6 month surgiversary - with progress pics!
on 9/28/17 4:51 pm, edited 9/28/17 10:19 am
None of my body has been photoshopped, just the background because anonymity is important to me. This comment and the likes it got feels mean spirited.
That said, I have changed the picture to the unblurred original version. I don't want anybody to get the impression that I feel the need to photoshop my body - I've worked too hard for that.
We've ALL worked hard for our losses. Do you see how, on OH among obese people, most of whom have some insecurities about their forms, how the appearance of a possibly altered photo could cause comment?
Julie asked a valid question. I thought the same thing. Not to be mean, as you feel, but because it seemed to look much different. Your skin tone seemed off and the lighting was strange.
I fight badgers with spoons.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255
I am sorry but, a " valid question" does not have to be in the form of accusatory, snotty condescension. For the short time I have been here Julie's replies to MANY people are in that form. And she clearly gets " Likes" and support for it. It's mean spirited and many of you are piling to to give her your approval.I am not sure I want to be a part of it.Telling someone where and how to take a photo is not a " Valid Question". If someone posts something that you feel is untruthful , MOVE ON. Does it REALLY effect any of us on our WL journey? No it does not.
Actually if someone photo shopped pictures it gives pre-ops and new post-ops a false sense of what they have to look forward to.
So many are concerned about saggy skin after excessive weight loss that they may now think WOW I have nothing to worry about my skin is going to spring right back to when I was a teen. That for many of us on here is not the case. Some may not have a large amount of saggy, wrinkly skin, but they do have it. Tell me how disappointed would you be if you lost 80lbs and had saggy skin when you thought you wouldn't?
I am not saying that is what the OP did, but the blurring made some question it. Julie's reply was not mean spirited she just asked a simple question.
on 9/29/17 9:25 am
If you have an issue with me, I would appreciate it if you let me know directly, rather than in response to someone else's comment. Thanks! :)

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
Well, accusing someone of photoshop in itself is rude. How would I feel? I would remember that our bodies and our journeys are all different and it is not MY job on this site to sort that out. I would know that anyone being purposely dishonest and that is only hurting them in the long run.It has absolutely NO bearing on MY success. I am sorry but, I disagree. Julies comment WAS mean as is nearly all of her comments.This is not the first time.
Um the OP before she edited her post stated she put her after photos through a filter and that is what caused the blur in the original after photos so that was some sort of photo shopping intentional or not.
Julie suggested she not do that so people could see the after photo more accurately. Then the OP got her panties bunched up and accused Julie of being mean. Which is not true, Julie is one of the nicest folks on OH.
I would love for you to show me all the "mean" comments Julie posts. I have been on here for numerous years and I have seen many, many posts by Julie and none have been mean.
It may not have any bearing on YOUR success, but there are many that would feel disappointed and struggle with the skin afterwards when it doesn't "spring" back. Some would even feel they were lied to.
And this is the reason why editing a post sucks. People don't get see what any OP originally wrote when they turn around and edit things out.
on 9/29/17 10:05 am, edited 9/29/17 3:07 am
I did not photoshop my body. I'm am not lying or being deceptive. I edited my post because this thread specifically asked for pictures without the background blurred
Tone is difficult to judge in written form. I think you are reading something that doesn't exist. No one is piling on.
The OP's photo looked odd. It is reasonable to question it because, as LG and Julie both stated, it gives a false impression, which is at best disingenuous and at worse deliberately deceptive.
I fight badgers with spoons.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255
on 9/29/17 10:02 am, edited 9/29/17 2:19 pm
I did not photoshop my body. I am not being deceptive.
Oh, jiminy Christmas. You are deliberately misunderstanding. Your picture looked odd; you were questioned on it. You provided a different picture, which answered questions we had. Mystery solved.
I fight badgers with spoons.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255