Thoughts on Shakes?
Hey All,
Just wondering what opinions y'all have on protein shakes? I've seen several people here say that their surgeon wanted them off them asap.
My surgeon's staff actually recommends a protein shake daily (or almost daily) for the long haul. They say there are studies showing that a protein drink a day as a meal substitute helps promote long term weight loss and maintenance.
Anyway, what are your thoughts/preferences? Do you feel they help or hinder you long term? Or is it a sort of "to each their own" thing?
I get that. They are definitely hit or miss. I like my Syntrax, but any others are gross to me.
on 9/27/17 2:56 pm
I've been on OH for 4 years, and today was the first time somebody said their surgeon said "no shakes."
It's best to get your protein through real foods, like meat and cheese and such, once your stomach is healed enough to tolerate them. Shakes won't keep you full.
Some folks who are quite a ways post-op still use shakes in a pinch, such as if there aren't any good food options at the time (travelling, meetings, etc.). No harm if that works for you.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
You're right, I should have also said I've me****ched/or talked to several people whose surgeon said no shakes.
I'm having a hard time with meat right now, and relying pretty heavily on my shake once a day. But I wasn't sure if it is discouraged to use them as a major protein source for long term.
You make great points, thanks.
I did a protein shake for breakfast for about the first 1.5 years after surgery. My absolute favorite was Chike high protein iced coffee shake (got it on Amazon). My pouch didn't like food (especially dense food) first thing in the morning for that first 1.5 years.
Now, at almost 4 years out, I rarely have shakes. I eat dense protein for breakfast. Not even usually breakfast food! It might be leftover ground turkey taco meat or hard boiled eggs or grilled BBQ chicken...whatever is protein and filling :)
I would have stuck with the shakes but I can't survive on a 170 calorie breakfast at this juncture, so hence the dense meat.
I still drink one almost every day as my morning snack. I malabsorb protein, so I have to get 100-150 grams in a day or else my prealbumin level tanks. I could probably do this with food if i tried, but I don't want to have to worry all day about how much protein I've gotten in. If I have a shake in the morning, I never have to worry about it. I'm always at 100+ grams by the end of the day by doing that.