Mobility question after surgery
on 8/26/17 4:58 am
hello all..I'm a week away..just wondered what kind of movement will i have right after two days out..will i be able to put my own socks on..pants ..etc
I've got it in my head that I will have to be so carefully moving imagining my pouch ripping open an so on..
all the best folks
Once back in my room, I was up, walking the halls and completely caring for myself.
Day 2, I was home, off narcotics and caring for my 11 month old son.
Not sure if you're like me or my partner, who if he has a cold, thinks he's dying I think your ability to care for yourself is entirely up to you.
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
on 8/26/17 9:05 am
One of my favorite things to razz my husband about is his recovery from having a mole removed.
This was done outpatient under a mild anesthesia. It literally took 13 minutes from start to finish.
At this same time, I was 2 months out from having a living 9-pound human cut out of my uterus -- while awake with only a spinal. Additionally, my father was staying with us as he was only a week out of major surgery on several areas of his spine.
My husband's whining and moaning the remainder the day post-mole-removal was utterly ridiculous against the backdrop of both my father and I -- who I dare say didn't complain as much as he did in the first 5 minutes. He actually took pain meds!! FOR A MOLE removal!!
My father and I laughed with each other many times listening to my husband's recovery. It was a running joke until he passed away.
I told my husband that it's good he is so healthy, because he came close to having a pillow held over his face a couple times that day.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
on 8/26/17 8:09 am
I was home and cooking dinner for my family on the second night after surgery. I stayed one night in the hospital only because I had surgery the day of a blizzard and the hospital I used was 2 hours drive away from my home.
I was up and moving around the same day as surgery. I was on an IV pain medication for 12 hours. I took prescription pain killers the day after -- and never took any pain medications after I was home.
I was back at work, walking a large university campus and dragging a rolling backpack full of text books at 9 days post surgery.
I've seen other people who are down for the count, and take a month off of work. I would guess that the median is somewhere between the two.
It's uncomfortable post-surgery, and I was certainly tired and needed a lot more rest -- there's definitely pain -- but as she said above -- how you personally handle it is pretty individual.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
I was able to tend to personal care, dressing, toileting, washing up etc immediately. I did no housework whatsoever for the first few days- I'd made sure I cleaned thoroughly pre-op, so there really was nothing for me to do anyway.
I didn't coo****il the 5th day- and had a chair in the kitchen to rest as needed.

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI
I was a little slower to get around. I had my gallbladder removed at the same time as my RNY and it was so enlarged from gallstones that they really had to stretch one of the incisions to remove it, so I was pretty sore. I was able to walk the halls and care for myself starting a few hours post op, but I wasn't preparing meals or doing much more than some slow walking for the first 3-4 days at least. I think day 4 I walked around a store with a cart for support, day 5 we went to 2 stores and walked. (It was really humid outside so the air conditioning was nice for walking) I wore slippers while in the hospital and mostly nightgowns at home the first few days. I was able to care for myself though. If you use the pain medicine and take things slowly I think you will be able to move around pretty well. Congrats on your upcoming surgery!

My clinic doesn't recommend lifting more than five or ten pounds right after surgery however my surgeon (I'm sure unbeknownst to the nurses) told me that theoretically I could lift a small car right after surgery and the staple lines would hold. I wasn't willing to test that theory, but you should be fine moving around and getting dressed :)