Heart Issue After Weight Loss?!?!?
I doubt it had anything to do with wls....especially a VSG. Your anatomy works as designed still with the sleeve, so the only side effect is that you are losing weight and not as hungry. They didn't alter anything else.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
I guess I didn't explain well in my initial post, I am not thinking the heart issue is a result of the surgery itself, but a possible result of the rapid weight loss. The cardiologist said that sometimes this is seen in patients who have had large weight loss due to the rapidly changing hormones causing too much adrenaline to pump into the heart and cause an odd heartbeat. I guess I was just mainly wondering if anyone else has experienced this because I researched for literally years before going through with the surgery and had not really heard of this happening that I can recall.

Had VSG on 9/28/15
Lost 161 lbs since surgery, LOST 221 lbs overall so far!!
on 8/17/17 12:39 pm
Hi ReRee6898
I would say by having wls you helped your heart and in fact it is probably in a better state than had you not had wls. I also have a low EF of 40. I developed an infection and it affected my heart muscle but instead of dropping dead the way you see so many young athletes and others do, I got the needed treatment for my Cardiomyopathy.
I feel extremely fortunate because underlying or genetic heart conditions are only discovered after the fact. Now I watch my sodium intake...extremely important to do because of the fluid buildup. You must do everything your dr tells you to do and you will be okay. I take a beta blocker and it is a bummer. It makes you tired sleepy fat...everything we don't want. I also watch my caffeine intake and especially sugars because those make my heart race. I had to switch to decaf and even that at times is too much.
I was told the number one to do or don't do is get upset! Being calm helps the heart and so I try to channel happy thoughts as much as possible. I may get sad or melancholy around that time of the month. oh and still menstruating helps because certain female hormones helps the heart. And so 12 years later I have never had a heart attack or a stroke or cancer or diabetes or hbp I do not have a pace maker or stent or defibrillator and try to keep happy thoughts.
I hope you find out what's wrong but do not be afraid you will be okay!
Thank you for your response. I guess I am just aggravated because I never had any symptoms or anything else until the last few months after losing over 200 pounds. I track everything through My Fitness Pal and I am normally under daily sodium recommendations. I haven't had caffeine since 2012 and I am very cautious of sugar intake, it is minimal. As crazy as it sounds I feel almost like I am getting punished after finally doing everything right.

Had VSG on 9/28/15
Lost 161 lbs since surgery, LOST 221 lbs overall so far!!