I am in need of help. Ihad a gastric sleeve done in mexico on 8162016. A month later i developed a fistula/hole in the seem along where they removed my 80% of my stomach. Since then i have spent alot of time in the hospital. They have placed a feeding tube in amd i also have a drain. In at the leak site. The problwm is theybwant it to heal naturally. It has been 10 months with no progress on healing. Does anyone knownof a way to fix this issue i have? It is high up in my stomach near my diaphragm. They tell me it could be dangerous to touch it or repair it. Can anyone offer a solution or sugestion to fix this iam at a loss now. 10 months with no progress is really depressing. I have lost a total of 120 pounds so far and dobt need to pose anymore. Please help
Doctors herenin florida. They said that inorder to do it they would have to remove my stomach conpletely and connect my small intestine to my esophogus. I have tried to findnothwr doctors here but my insurance wont cover anything. I have been told by others that they could poasibly clamp it but my doctor here doesnt agree. It just sucks. If thwre is any doctors *****ads this please help
I am by far no expert, but I have had some training in wound care. Sometimes, sometimes, a wound can get "stuck" and not completely heal due to infection in the wound bed. NOT a big, high temperature, lots of drainage kind of infection, but just enough bacteria to prevent the stages of healing from moving on.
Just a thought...
I have had infections but you have to remember the wound is on the inside of my body so it's not like I can see it I can see infection in the drain at times I can also feel when there's an infection because it causes pain when it's infected badly the doctor said it would be a long healing process due to the area where it's at there isn't much blood flow causing it to heal slowly....
I am so sorry to hear you are going thru this. I don't have anything I can suggest unfortunately as I am not from the U.S and paid privately for mine.
I understand the depression you are suffering, as a chronic pain sufferer (resulting from an accident). Our loss of freedom, choices, identity and independence can take it's toll. I have found taking one day at a time, focusing on the things I could control, going back to doing things that simply made me feel good (starting back on my art, reading good books, singing) are really important to taking care of my mental health.
I truly hope you find some relief. Keep asking questions and don't take no for an answer. Take care.
Get yourself to Mayo Clinic Rochester. They specialize in hard/difficult/unusual problems and having a draining wound in your stomach (which produces acid by the can anything heal when it is in a constant acid bath is beyond me).
Seriously, there should be an online form/questionaire somewhere on the Mayo Website.
You have been messing with this for over a year. Go to THE BEST.

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat