Severe Burping, Anyone?
For months I have been having intermittent pain with severe bloating and gas, mostly belching. It has gotten so severe, I'm on Day 14 of non-stop, uncontrollable burping. The pain, frustration, and humiliation are becoming unbearable. I've been bounced from ER to ER, doctor to doctor, test after test, and still no answers. 1mg+ of Xanax was helping to relax me enough to bring some relief (and drowsiness), but now that's not even working. I am currently waiting for the doctors to decide what else to try, or where else to send me. I am becoming more and more desperate, and welcome any insight, advice, or suggestions.

Be Love ~ Be Light ~ Be Magic
on 8/12/17 6:22 am
Sorry you are going through this. Wish I had important information! You're not having constipation issues are you? The RD told me in reference to my um, "lack of poopiness" to watch for bloating, belching, and cramps/pain. That those are signs of being "backed up." Hope you get the answer soon! ((hugs))

on 8/12/17 7:18 am
Well boo-sis! Wouldn't it of been great if the answer to your bloat was that you were full of sh*t? bahahahahaha! Cuz I'm pretty sure that's my diagnosis in a nutshell. LOL.
SOooo sorry about the big D. But hey, it's awesome that you had a CT scan already. Hang in there girlie!

Sorry you are going through this. Wish I had important information! You're not having constipation issues are you? The RD told me in reference to my um, "lack of poopiness" to watch for bloating, belching, and cramps/pain. That those are signs of being "backed up." Hope you get the answer soon! ((hugs))
a hiatal hernia can cause this. Have you had an EGD?
on 8/12/17 11:10 am
I was just thinking this. My grandma had it. Same symptoms pain, bloating, gas, distension. It was many hernias
Have they mentioned bacterial imbalance in your gut (i.e. SIBO-Small intestine bacterial overgrowth) or C-Diffucile (aka CDiff)? These can be determined by a stool sample analysis and the symptoms you describe (gas, bloating, diarrhea) go with it. If they have't, request the tests for it.
Even IF the tests come back negative, those of us with our intestines modified can be subject to react to the slightest imbalance of gut flora. A regular ingestion of probiotics can help keep your flora in balance with plenty of "good bugs" in your system. Some add another pill to their arsenal. I get the best results from yogurt and raw, unfiltered apple-cider vinegar. Dr. Braggs makes ACV drinks that I love. Another byproduct is increased energy too. I found some recipes to make it myself at home, but try the packaged varieties to see if you like it. I also add ACV whenever I can in other things. I see the difference in reduced gas, and stool odor is minimal anymore.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes