I did it!

on 7/31/17 9:09 am
RNY on 07/27/17

The incisions are fine. I'm good with them. My surgeon used Dermabond, too, and it seems to be doing it's job.

What's killing me is this stupid G tube. Oooooohhh lord is this painful. I don't remember why I needed to have it in place (I have an email in to clarify) but I do remember the explanation that "your ribs are really low and your stomach is tucked up under, so if I put the tube where we normally put it [over on the side] it wouldn't have reached." Hence the tube right in the center of my belly under my sternum, that pulls whenever I move either side of my body or, you know, breathe.

Im doing okay with fluids--making my goal!--but protein is a little behind (I've made 50g). Last night though I set a protein water next to my bed, and every time I woke up I drank some. So I got up this morning already 16 ounces and 15 grams ahead! :) I haven't tried SF Jello yet, but SF popsicles are good. I'm struggling with Unjury chicken right now though. I want savory but I have like three swallows and my body's like...no we're good, no more of that!

on 8/1/17 8:59 am

That's a very good idea about drinking a bit whenever you awaken at night. I have had "cotton mouth" and dry eyes each night since surgery, and I wake up about 3 times per night. I was able to get down 17 oz. in an hour and a half this morning without painful spasms, so I think the internal swelling is going down. Have you tried the Premiere Protein drinks? They have 20 gr of protein and count toward fluids. I don't really like them that much (too sweet), but they seem to help reach goals ,and I put them in an insulated metallic cup over ice. I also agree with wanting more savory then sweet. I'm going to try broth again today; it tasted bad to me a couple days ago. Like you, a few swallows and I was good.

My doctor has a way more conservative protocol than what I've seen here in the forum, but I am going to follow directions. It's 14 days clear, 14 days full liquids, 14 days puree, and 14 days soft. She said that after a couple months people are still only about 85% healed. Are you going to get that G-tube out soon? I didn't have one of those and it sounds very annoying. I am still retaining water from the IV's, but I've lost 5 of the 8 I've gained in the 5 days since surgery. Have you gotten rid of those extra fluids yet?

on 8/1/17 9:34 am
RNY on 07/27/17

The protein water by the bed worked again last night, so I think I'm going to make that a habit.

I've done the Premier Protein, yes. I had five weeks (!!!) of full liquids before surgery so I'm pretty tired of them anyway, and now after surgery they taste different. It's weird. It's messing with my brain.

That's a really conservative surgeon! My surgeon has us on clear liquids for a week, then a follow up visit, then we can try certain soft foods after that (but only a handful of choices) for a week. Then two weeks of other soft options. I've been on full or clear liquids for neRly6 weeks at this point, and I'd kill for ANY other option.

Good news is the G tube should come out Friday!! Thank GOODNESS. Apparently it has something to do with the fact that I have sleep apnea, but I don't understand how breathing correlates to a tube in my stomach and my contact person at my surgeon's was unable to clarify.

I was up 11 pounds with all the fluids when I left the hospital. I'm back down to where I was when I went in, but I've not dropped below. I have to just trust it'll happen.

Kathy S.
on 7/31/17 11:24 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

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