Going back to school when you are a fat kid......
Seeing all the kids getting ready and or already headed back to school still makes me break out in a sweat.
Did you grow up as a fat kid? I did, and buying clothes to go back to school was a nightmare. First of all in my day I had to buy my clothes in the "chubby" section. Remember those? My Mom would grimace at having to pay more for kids clothes. No matter how hard you tried they always made you look worst. In those days fat people didn't have style, there was none. And there was the dreaded girdle. Yes, I wore a girdle as a kid in hopes of looking 5 lbs thinner. It didn't make a difference but when you are a kid you tell yourself it will.
I HATED having to buy those gym suits. All one piece and snaps. Again I had to buy the High School size even though I was in elementary grades.
Then the dreaded first day of school. I grew up in the 70's where tall, thin and blonde was in. No interest in a fat, short kid with glasses and frizzy red hair. I remember my Mom making me wear really long skirts and I would go out the door with the length at my knees and then roll up the waist band to make it shorter. I didn't realize all it did was expose my chubby short legs, but I wanted to fit in and be normal in the worst way.
Wait for it!!!! Gym, gym was a fat persons worst nightmare. I really think major damage was done to me by going to the gym. Having the entire gym stare at you when you are trying to climb a rope. Having everyone pass you twice when running around the field. And those gym swim suits The one piece, clingy, do nothing for me, showed every roll on your body. The stares, I still feel them today.
Did you experience this? If you have a young one that has weight issues, please talk to them and make sure they are not feeling the way I did. Yes I am OK now, but the scars never go away. We learn to live with them but we NEVER want our kids to feel as we were made to feel.
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
on 7/28/17 11:08 am
Holy crap! LOL. This brought back a ****ton of terrifying memories! I was simply the "best" at being conveniently ill on days during the President's Fitness test and other major gym-fitness-tests. The gmn suits were second only to having to shower in a communal shower after gym class! Yes, I still have un-resolved "issues" about those days, LOL. I'm just glad I don't have an inner-Carrie--not that there's anything wrong with that!

OMG - I had a wave of nausea just thinking about it. When I got to Junior High, showers were mandatory after gym and the teacher would stand in the doorway of the shower to make sure you got wet enough. I was so glad when I had my period on gym day because that meant I could be "excused" from the shower. Actually I think I may have had my period on almost every gym day. And those horrid one piece gym suits - tight and clingy with horizontal stripes on the top and showed every bump you had - the absolute worst. It was bad being a fat adult, but definitely a lot worse being a fat child. I can still hear that awful rhyme: Chubby, chubby 2 x 4, can't get through the bathroom door. Kids can be so mean.
Surgery Date June 3, 2016
HW: 329 W at first consult 290. SW 238, LW 128, CW 139
I remember FLUNKING the President's Fitness Test, in the 5th grade. My brother had me convinced the President was going to send "the men in the black cars", to pick me up and put me in "fatty jail", or some such. I was terrified.
Worse still, was being weighed. We all had to line up...and our weight was called out...OUT LOUD...in front of the whole class...and my teacher said "My God, Gina Gayle - you weigh as much as I do!"...Miss Ugly Ass Horse Face Never Had a Date Colvin. I hope she died a very slow, very painful death...
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
on 7/28/17 12:36 pm
I wore uniforms from kindergarten through 12th grade, but you still had to go into an auditorium with all the other kids and your moms and try on samples to order that year's uniforms. Embarrassing because I was always bigger than the other girls, especially given I was going to grow to be 6 feet tall and not with a willowy supermodel sized frame.
I was a *****ubby in junior high, and gained more in high school. I don't think I zipped my uniform skirts all the way up my sophomore to senior years because I didn't want to admit to my mom that I had outgrown them. I would just wear my school shirt untucked with a sweater tied around my waist to hide my zipper. And I was pretty sure at the time the uniform company didn't make anything over a size 14 without a special order. Ugh.