Kathy S WLS Journey - Infection Hell!!!! Regrets? I Have A Few!

Kathy S.
on 7/11/17 8:36 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Infection Hell!!!! Regrets? I Have A Few!

September 8, 2004

I have my follow up appointment with Dr. Nagle and I see the nutritionist today. Not being able to wear a bra is terrible. I am going to wear a long scarf to hide my two hung lows :-)

I saw the nutritionist first and she said we could advance to solid foods, fish, chicken and gave us an example menu. I am having trouble with the protein drinks and of course I was told to get those in.

Saw Dr. Nagle next and when I lifted my shirt he had a bad look on his face. My entire incision line was infected. He pulled out all the staples and then he cut open about a third of the incision at the bottom and a third at the top all the way up between my breast. When I looked down the left side of the open incision was 3 inches higher than the right. I just cried as the "stuff" poured out. It was so much it went all over my pants. My Dr. then started stuffing the open area with gauze and told me I had to do this twice a day. I told him I couldn't but he didn't listen, I think he thought I was joking. He also wanted me to keep the JP tubes in an extra week since I had leaking problems. I was so overwhelmed at that point, I really don't think no one understood.

As we drove home I wished I had never done this. Nothing has went as planned and all my fears of having an open procedure was coming true.

I laided down and took a nap, when I got up the gauze was soaked and I needed to change it. As I stood in front of the mirror and took the gauze out I really got a good look at my tummy area. I just stood there and cried and cried. I tried to stuff gauze back in but just couldn't. I put gauze on the surface of it and bandaged up the other area. He wants to see me again in 1 week.

I went on line and posted how I felt and an update on what was going on with me. Everyone was great and reminded me it could be worst and this to will pass. I know they are right it's just I think I won't post for awhile for the way I feel I would discourage anyone from doing this and that would not be fair. I know this only happens in 1% of the time but the way I feel right now, I am so down being in the 1%.

I did eat a lot of purple popsicles to watch for leaks. None yet, thank you lord for small favors.

Updated thoughts - I had someone that is having surgery next week say they wish they had not read my post. I am sharing this to show no matter what happens this surgery was worth it for me. That we are stronger than we think and no mountain is too high to climb. Please note - all of my issues was due to having it done open and only after my stapling kept leaking while trying to do it lap. The chance of this happening to you are slim to none. Granted anything can happen but no two journeys are the same.

Also I hope this will inspire and help those that might be having regrets right after surgery to see it's so WORTH IT!

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 7/11/17 9:45 am - TX
RNY on 10/06/15

I get where you are coming from on posting this memory and I think it is great that you did. I have had complications for sure. Four surgeries total (so far...knock on wood) after my RNY related to post-WLS problems. I still 100% wouldn't change my choice to get RNY! I really think that no matter what RNY absolutely is the best thing I have ever done for my health and well being. Totally worth it.


Consultation weight: 265, Surgery date: 10/6/15, Goal: 150, Current weight: 129; 5'5, 46 years old

"I am basically food's creepy ex-girlfriend. I know we can't be together anymore but I just want to spend time hanging out" ~me, about why I love cooking so much post WLS

Kathy S.
on 7/11/17 10:39 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Thanks ~E,

Looking back has such value for us and more so keeping us at goal. Granted when I was going through it I was so unsure. So hopefully when we share our experiences even if they went bad everyone will think if they can do it with all that crap going on then I can do it too

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Terri Ott Norris
on 7/11/17 11:43 am - Livermore, CA
RNY on 07/18/17

So....decided to pop in and say.."I am not reading this today" but I love you and support you!


Have a Blessed Day....

BLOG: www.sweattodaysmiletomorrowcom.wordpress.com

Kathy S.
on 7/11/17 12:35 pm - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Keep in mind my friend, after hours on the table of stapling and leaking it was only then he decided to open me up. If I had not had the leaking I am sure I would never had the infection. So don't worry you are going to do GREAT!!!!!!!

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

(deactivated member)
on 7/11/17 2:26 pm
RNY on 04/18/17

My Dear, you really had one heck of a time! I had to pack an open incision twice a day after my band removal. Because the band was infected and there was a large chance I would develop an infection in that area, the surgeon left that incision open "to heal from the inside out, the way the Egyptians did with sword wounds." He was quite tickled by the idea.

Fortunately, my husband was trained as a medic in the army, so he took care of changing the packing and dressing the incision. When I went back for a 2-week check in, I made the surgeon stitch it up. He didn't want to, but I insisted. No infection developed. I did, however, have minor infections in a couple of the smaller incisions he had stapled. Geez!

No incision issues this time around, and so grateful. I think when they open up like that, the risk of infection becomes almost certain. My mother had the same type of incision for cancer surgery. Same thing as you, only hers just broke open and gushed all over one day while she was out shopping with my sister. They had just left the doctor's office! You would think someone there might have noticed a problem.

This is a 1% you certainly don't want to be part of, isn't it?

Kathy S.
on 7/11/17 3:07 pm - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

I must confess back then I was a big baby and looking back I put my poor husband through hell. If it happened today I would be OK... Yes that was exactly what my surgeon said, had to heal from the inside out. GROSS is the only word I can think of but again we find out we are a lot stronger than we think.

You too have been through it my friend! Kudos to you and my respect for all you have come through

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 7/11/17 4:30 pm - Boston , MA
VSG on 12/28/16

I'm just glad to know you are on the other side of all this and that you have done so well in the end. And you are such a help and inspiration to others. Thanks!

on 7/11/17 6:41 pm
RNY on 09/18/17

Wow Kathy- this was an intense read. I'm just starting down the WLS path and this was scary at first- but I'm so glad to read your update at the bottom. It really puts things into perspective. Yes, the post-op period will be rough and it may even be downright hellish. But it's temporary, whereas the improvements in quality of life and health hopefully are long term!

Is there any way to tell a WLS surgeon that if it looks like it's headed to open surgery, patch me up and let me think about it? Or is open surgery done because something went really wrong and it was a lifesaving measure? I don't think that I understand what would cause the surgery to go from arthroscopic to open?

Kathy S.
on 7/12/17 9:02 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Hi Morethanready,

Congratulations on starting your journey to taking your health and life back from fat

I remember telling Dr. Nagle I did not want to be open. Looking back it was in the days when they were still doing open and I think while researching my surgery I found your chance of complications increased with open instead of LAP. I told him over and over again. My surgery was the first in the AM, and my husband said it would take a couple of hours. Well I guess what happen was when Dr. Nagle was stapling my new tummy they would not hold. The staple line kept leaking, they would staple and test and leaks. Finally after 4 hours he went out to my husband and said I know she does not want to be opened but there is no going back now. My husband told him to go ahead. Closing me up was not an option. I felt bad as it ended up taking 8 hours and all his over surgeries were canceled. Imagine getting all geared up for surgery and then told to go home He had to open me up in order to stitch the tummy closed. I have to say after 13 years my tool still works so he did a great job!

Here is a photo where I have the holes and scar from being cut open. You can see the incision getting red already:-(

Just remember, this was very rare and you are going to be fine. As bad as it looked it was so worth it!!! It saved my life! Keep me posted on how you are doing.

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

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