Kathy S WLS Journey - Consult with Surgeon Take II

Kathy S.
on 7/5/17 9:00 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Consult with Surgeon Again

August 18, 2004

Well that was an eye opener. I met with my surgeon one more time before 8/30. He answered all of my additional questions. And I had my pre-op class. It's amazing how so different my doctor and the program are from everything I have researched and learned on the board.

I do not have to fast or diet before surgery. They ask you don't put a lot of weight on, as it will only make things more difficult for the doctor and me. There is no proof that fasting before surgery shrinks your liver they said. There is no taking laxatives before hand, they ask you eat or drink nothing after midnight before surgery.

Every post I have ever read states you get nothing to drin****il after your leak test. Well, as soon as you get to your room they encourage you to drink water or watered down juice. They said you may have a leak test if there is any indication of the need, but it's not mandatory. So far, everything I have researched, learned and expected is out the window. Don't get me wrong I love all of this so far. I read about people not getting anything but liquids for weeks after the surgery. Our program has you eating and drinking once you get home. The food has to be pureed but still it's so different from what I expected.

I also asked the doctor about protein and if you absorb what you take in. He said yes, if you drink a protein drink with 50 grams or protein you will absorb 50 grams of protein. Well I was blown away but I believe him, as this is a research/teaching hospital and one of the top University's. This is cool....

I found out my doctor shortens the intestines by 150 cm so it guess that would make it a distal not proximal. From what I have read that is good news. Oh, the other thing that blew me away was that the total time for the procedure is 5 1/2 hours from prep to recovery. Duh, I was thinking it was only an hour and half. I guess that is how long it takes the surgeon to do his thing but all together it's a much longer procedure.

I got a letter from my doctor for work. I am taking the full 8 weeks since my job is so stressful I want to make sure I am able to eat and drink on some kind of schedule before going back to work in order for this to work. I don't want to be throwing up and or passing out. My husband and I are going to take the stuff we got home and review it. I was told I was scheduled first Monday morning but you don't get confirmation until the Friday before.

Updated thoughts - I rarely see postings any longer where the patient feels or sees the surgeon more than once or extensive pre-op meetings/classes/support with staff. I don't know if this is due to cost or what but this is key to success and common denominator to long term failure. When I see someone just recently had surgery and they don't have a clue what to eat it breaks my heart and makes me very .

Please, when researching your surgeon look for... NO demand access to him/her or staff as many times as you need to answer any and all questions. If they say no, RUN away. When they are wheeling you into surgery you have enough to handle, don't let the basics be one of them. Good Luck Everyone!

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 7/7/17 4:06 pm
VSG on 06/29/17

My program has been to my satisfaction. While I only met with my surgeon once, however my program had a surgical fellow who I met with regularly. She has been wonderful.

I suspect that if my program was not in a teaching hospital, I would have met with my surgeon more.

I have had classes, tests, nutritionist counseling, and behavioral counseling. I felt ready for my surgery.

There were several points where I questioned if I was doing the right thing, in the correct program, or felt I could never make their schedule work with mine. However my husband and I found a way. He went with me to every class or appointment they allowed him to attend. (Over full classes :-(

it would be nice if my clinic had some classes for families to help them set their expectations, but currently there are no funds to consider such a thing. Luckily my husband has come through with me, and is still amazingly supportive.

That is my experience.

It is better to travel and get lost...

Than never to travel at all.
