I did tempt fate!

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 7/2/17 7:23 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Be careful about tempting fate. Pretty soon you'll be tempting yourself right back to your pre op weight & then some. Aversion therapy might work for some people. I know that it doesn't work for me. Like any addict I would find a way to get "my fix" no matter how much GI problems I might have. However getting to the roots of my addiction, knowing my triggers, getting therapy/support goes a lot further in helping me to get off & keep my weight off.

Temptations will always be there. It's up to you to figure out how to deal with them. Better now than later.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


Citizen Kim
on 7/2/17 7:27 am - Castle Rock, CO

I'm a couple of weeks away from 13 years out and I still don't have "tastes" of desserts. NEVER. No ice cream, no birthday cake, definitely nothing from Cheesecake Factory. I'm not perfect, I have had regain a time or ten, but this is one area I don't broach.

I do dump and it's hell. I would recommend getting to goal before testing whether you dum*****t.

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 7/2/17 11:49 am
RNY on 09/23/16

I am of the mind that every little taste counts. I'm 9 months out and I've never tried anything that would make me dump so I have no idea if I do or not. I intend to keep it that way. Don't waste this miracle time. Take advantage of it and stop tasting things off plan. That's just my advise to you.

Lap band: 2006. Revision to RNY 9/23/2016

8/2/17: Goal Reached: 135lbs. & 115lbs lost (5'3")

Pre-op: 250, SW 242, CW 125, GW 135

Pre-op: 9lb M1: 20lb M2: 11.5lb M3: 11.9 M4: 13.4 M5: 10.8 M6: 10.2 M7: 8.1 M8: 8.4 M9: 6.5 M10: 5.7 M11: 3.5 M12: 4.3

CerealKiller Kat71
on 7/2/17 12:10 pm
RNY on 12/31/13

I've always said that I hope that I have dumping syndrome, because I would like to have the aversion aspect to help me control my food addiction.

It I were really honest though, I know that it really doesn't/wouldn't matter. I was a Type II Diabetic on insulin when I was obese -- with all the accompanying misery and co-morbidities. That didn't keep me from bolus-ing extra insulin to eat things that were literally killing me. I am pretty sure I'd find a way to eat around dumping, too.

I know to well the slippery slope of my eating disorder: one taste on a special occasion becomes one taste on another "special" occasion -- that turns into a taste once a week, becomes one taste a day, becomes "I might as well just have a small piece", becomes cheat meals and suddenly Kat-weighs-347-pounds-again.

Nope. I cannot go there. I know the route of justification in my head game.

I live with my addiction to food the very same way I gave up smoking: not one puff/taste ever. Not on Christmas, not on vacation, not on my birthday, not on my anniversary, not on Wednesday, and not on "but it was a bad day" today. Never.

By the way, every summer we drive across country from Ohio to Oregon -- usually 2.5 to 3 weeks in the car going to all the national parks and sites via different routes. This year we are flying -- but we stay on the coast an average of a month as well. I also have been to Cheesecake factory at least 15 times in the last three years. It's a hard place to find anything decent or healthy to eat -- it's definitely not a place I like to choose. Their menu is dreadful. My point isn't to shame you, but to tell you that I get it. BUT, you can do these things without breaking your resolve -- especially in this crucial honeymoon period.

I still have no idea if I dump at 3.5 years out. I've never tested it.

Be careful, you've got so much going for you. Keep your head in check.

I know that I have to be very careful with my food addiction, because there is something very self-destructive within me.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

Just Ducky - The
Meditative Hag

on 7/5/17 6:14 pm - Belleville, IL

I am 7 years out and I too for the first 3 years had no "dumping" however if you have RNY be VERY, very careful about Low Blood sugar drop also known as Hypoglycemia. Even if you are NOT diabetic you can eat something "sweet" with real sugar or what not and then about 1-3 hours later you are suddenly shaking, light headed and passing out. This is a MEDICAL EMERGENCY! I bought a diabetic test kit and one time during a hypoglycemia attack my blood sugar was 35. I had to have a life saver (with real sugar) and a SMALL (4oz) of orange juice to bring blood sugar up and then ate some cheese and sardines (Protein) to level things out.

I felt shaky and sleepy the rest of the day for many hours. I have found after 7 years that my pouch is very "fickle"...One day I can eat a few oz of raisin bran w/ unsweetened Almond milk and the next day it might cause dumping or hypoglycemia. It's very strange indeed. My humble opinion is that I just stick with Splenda. You can Bake with it, use it in unsweetened tea (to make sweet tea) etc. I also had to have my gallbladder removed a few years after RNY/Bariatric surgery and I found that to REALLY screw up my sugar metabolism.

I will not lie, yes there are some things (with sugar) I CAN eat and others that throw me into a medical tizzy, but I ask myself..."WHY?" The surgery is ONLY a tool, no more no less than using a screwdriver or hammer. Your BRAIN and willpower are the REAL "winner". Also remember, that now is your "honeymoon period". After about 1 year to 18 months the RNY will NOT really take the weight off like it does right after surgery, etc. I wish you BEST of health!



(deactivated member)
on 7/5/17 6:30 pm
RNY on 04/18/17

I hear ya, Ducky! For years prior to surgery, I've had to handle hypoglycemia. I've lived a high-protein lifestyle for a couple of decades. My forays into sugar-sweetened treats were few and far between. That is really how I kept from achieving 360 pounds again after the band quit working. This past regain was complicated by age, menopause, and inactivity (and a new relationship in which the other person eats, and eats, and eats---so I let myself eat whenever!). Right now, I do have a strong sense of "control" as my tummy just won't stand for much of anything. I get the impression from the stories of regaining that this "control" does not last. I will be more vigilant. I have not suffered hypoglycemic episodes since surgery. That's been kind of nice, actually.

(deactivated member)
on 7/8/17 6:21 am

Reactive hypoglycemia hits most RNY 2 to 3 years after surgery and gets worse and worse. Don't mess with it! Very scary and dangerous. I did not dump but experienced the RH 2 to 3 years out. 9 years out and never felt clearer staying free of sugar or very very little. Have not had an episode since got serious and cut sugar/most carbs out. Protein and Whole Foods best. Low carbs too. Like one slice bread a day tops. Be careful.... slippery slope.

(Lost 130 with rny to goal in may 2008.. Now taking down a 40 lb regain that came years 7 through 9). Down 25 since late April when I found support and got healthier... 15 more to be back to my low goal weight. Hard to get mind in right place but support and living avoiding sugar is what I now plan for life. Learn from those of us who made mistakes. It is a tough road further you get out. Good you are in here asking ... support is tops.

(deactivated member)
on 7/8/17 8:06 am
RNY on 04/18/17

Thanks, Happiness. Noted! My hubby developed Reactive Hypoglycemia from military service. I carry nuts and jerky to keep him from going down---also for myself when my blood sugar drops. His episodes are far more severe than mine; yes, the dizziness, shaking, sweating. After he gets it under control, he is wiped out for the rest of the day. I had no idea that RH is a common development after RNY, but it makes sense. We are forcing our metabolism to submit to our will, depriving our body of the expected calories. I will have to look for some material on the subject, but it sounds like losing weight via RNY may actually exacerbate Metabolic Syndrome. And in fact, that idea has crossed my mind a few times the past couple of months.

I do want to make clear that I RARELY take a bite of anything containing refined carbs or sugars. A piece of any kind of bread is completely out of the question for me and has been for years. I read people writing about having a "wrap" for lunch, and I think, "Flour tortilla? Really?" No can do. Seems like a lot of refined carbs for weight loss. But that's me. Now and then I will have fruit, usually berries or grapes, but always balance that with some fat and protein. I'm sure you have learned that as well; have the baked potato with butter and sour cream---lowers the glycemic index. But again, I do that sparingly.

Years ago, like many people, when my blood sugar dropped, I always went for the candy bar or something loaded with sugar, which, as we all know, makes the problem worse. I have literally crashed and passed out for hours after eating a tub of cake frosting. Makes me shudder to think of it now.

Thanks for sharing your journey, setbacks and all. There is a Facebook group called Sugar Doesn't Own Me. That has also helped me a bit over the past months. A few bites of cheesecake didn't hurt me or set me back, and I am determined to never get back into those patterns of years ago. I know many here have determined the same thing and fallen back, as have I over the years. This tool is working for me each day, and I can see the results. I've never had that before (except temporarily with diet pills). I am warned of the pitfalls and will be on guard for them. Thanks all!

(deactivated member)
on 7/8/17 8:16 am

Thanks for the tips, I appreciate as well! I don't eat one slice of bread every day but do now and then and fine. I am not diabetic however. Just RH if something with a lot of sugar. I did not know about RH either when I had my RNY in 2008 and had no idea what it was but have learned how to manage it pretty much 100percent with diet. Good luck to you! Thanks again.

on 7/5/17 10:41 pm

I have a sleeve (and IBS). Most of the sugar substitutes caused diarrhea pre-surgery. Since surgery, I've had one dumping episode- it was from a protein shake. I was sick for hours. Not pretty. VERY not pretty.

VSG on 11/15/16 . . . HW: +/- 265 . . . SW: 252 . . . CW: 187 (as of 5/22/17)
