Fecal incontinent

on 6/27/17 10:57 am

Thank you everyone for your advise. I have a call in to my GP and hope to get an appointment next week. I live in a smaller community and it can be difficult to get in. If I can't get an appointment, I will go to emergency.

on 6/27/17 11:08 am

By the by, I do not have Internet service at home. It is too expensive. I am in the city for a few days as my hubby had a knee replacement this am. I will keep you posted. I go to the library to on line at least once a Week. Thx again for all of your advise.

on 6/28/17 9:24 am

I totally understand on the internet thing. We live out in the middle of nowhere and do not have internet access unless we sign up for Satellite internet--way too expensive. I wish you the best on your health issue and hope and pray you are able to get resolution with your GP. Sending lots of love and hugs your way.

on 6/28/17 9:31 am

Thank you, so kind.

Kathy S.
on 6/27/17 11:32 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Ditto on what everyone advised you Keep us posted on what happens

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Beam me up Scottie
on 6/27/17 6:49 pm
I'd definitely head to your PCP ASAP. I'd also reach out to your surgeon.

SO just some general thoughts about causes:

Blockage (constipation). Yes it can result in very loose watery stool- some things you can try: Miralax (someone mentioned before)

You are eating something that is causing the issue (sugar alcohol, too many simple carbs, too much fat, it could literally be anything)

You have a bacterial overgrowth and need an antibiotic


on 6/27/17 7:52 pm

Thx Scott.

on 7/16/17 8:53 am

Update. As you know, I made an app with my GP and as usual the issue stopped. I did keep the app and was referred to a general surgeon. My app is the end of August. I have had a couple of spells, but not nearly as bad as it was before.

on 10/13/17 5:20 pm

Update....I had a colonoscopy last week. All clear. I see the surgeon in mid Nov. He had indicated that if the colonoscopy was clear he would send me to a specialist in wpg. I will keep you posted.

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