Fear of flying
I am dreading our upcoming holiday to visit my in-laws because it requires flying. I am not afraid of the plane in the air I am stressed about asking for a seatbelt extender. Last time I flew I discreetly asked for an extender and the flight attendant made a huge deal out of it. She made sure everyone around me heard when she responded to me. She made a big show of giving it the belt to me and how to attach it (it isn't rocket science). I was so embarrassed and teared up.
I am still post-op, and I am so looking forward to the day that this will no longer be an issue.

Referred:Oct 2016 Orientation: Jan 9th/17 Nurse: Apr 4th/17 PreOp Class 1: Apr 2017 Nut/SW:Jun 13th/17 Psych:Jun 29th/17 PreOp Class 2: July 11th/17 Meet the Surgeon:July 12th/17 Endoscopy: July 21st/17 RNY Surgery: August 25th/17
Opti-15lbs M1-18.5lbs M2-12.5lbs M3-10lbs M4-10lbs M5-4lbs M6-15lbs, M7-5lbs M8-
Thank you for the tip. I will look online.

Referred:Oct 2016 Orientation: Jan 9th/17 Nurse: Apr 4th/17 PreOp Class 1: Apr 2017 Nut/SW:Jun 13th/17 Psych:Jun 29th/17 PreOp Class 2: July 11th/17 Meet the Surgeon:July 12th/17 Endoscopy: July 21st/17 RNY Surgery: August 25th/17
Opti-15lbs M1-18.5lbs M2-12.5lbs M3-10lbs M4-10lbs M5-4lbs M6-15lbs, M7-5lbs M8-
Pre-op, I will hopefully find out my surgery date soon.

Referred:Oct 2016 Orientation: Jan 9th/17 Nurse: Apr 4th/17 PreOp Class 1: Apr 2017 Nut/SW:Jun 13th/17 Psych:Jun 29th/17 PreOp Class 2: July 11th/17 Meet the Surgeon:July 12th/17 Endoscopy: July 21st/17 RNY Surgery: August 25th/17
Opti-15lbs M1-18.5lbs M2-12.5lbs M3-10lbs M4-10lbs M5-4lbs M6-15lbs, M7-5lbs M8-
on 6/21/17 7:41 am, edited 6/21/17 12:42 am
I bought my own on Amazon two years ago, to fly Alaska Air. I was able to connect it quickly and very discretely, and was extremely glad I had it with me. Though some airlines state that using your own seatbelt extender is not allowed, it doesn't seem to be an issue on board. I was concerned because my extender was blue while the regular belts were black, but the attendant didn't notice, not did anyone else. Go on Amazon and search for "airline seatbelt extender". You'll need to know which airline you'll fly as there are a couple of different styles. It's fairly inexpensive, and so worth the peace of mind. And soon...you won't need to ever use one again!
Just ordered one from Amazon. I had no idea that was an option. I love this site!

Referred:Oct 2016 Orientation: Jan 9th/17 Nurse: Apr 4th/17 PreOp Class 1: Apr 2017 Nut/SW:Jun 13th/17 Psych:Jun 29th/17 PreOp Class 2: July 11th/17 Meet the Surgeon:July 12th/17 Endoscopy: July 21st/17 RNY Surgery: August 25th/17
Opti-15lbs M1-18.5lbs M2-12.5lbs M3-10lbs M4-10lbs M5-4lbs M6-15lbs, M7-5lbs M8-
on 6/21/17 7:49 am
I don't know if this helps, but I only had that happen one time in all my years of flying. Honest. And, I've flown a lot. So, don't borrow worry.
It sounds like that flight attendant was a ***** -- and I am so sorry that you had that happen. No one -- NO ONE -- deserves to be embarrassed and humiliated for a medical condition. If she'd made a big show about accommodating someone needing wheelchair assistance, or a person who has an O2 tank -- people would be in an outrage. It's no different, and it's NOT okay. You have a right to travel just as much as any other person on your flight. It isn't a crime or a moral failing to be obese. It's quite simply, a medical condition. No more. No less.
I will confess that I usually kept my seat belt extender from my first flight leg each trip and simply slipped it in my bag to use the rest of the trip. Most of the time, I returned them to a flight attendant as I deplaned on my last leg. A few times, I forgot, and I ended up with 3 or 4 in my possession. I sold them for the cost of shipping after my surgery on eBay. If you are really concerned/panicked about your upcoming flight, maybe check the cost on there or Amazon. They are universal (I should know!)
My final thought on this: the only person who deserved to feel shame when you requested a seat belt extender is the flight attendant who went out of her way to be hurtful. I'd much prefer to be obese than to be someone who takes joy out of causing someone else pain. How pathetic she must be.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
Thank you for your words.

Referred:Oct 2016 Orientation: Jan 9th/17 Nurse: Apr 4th/17 PreOp Class 1: Apr 2017 Nut/SW:Jun 13th/17 Psych:Jun 29th/17 PreOp Class 2: July 11th/17 Meet the Surgeon:July 12th/17 Endoscopy: July 21st/17 RNY Surgery: August 25th/17
Opti-15lbs M1-18.5lbs M2-12.5lbs M3-10lbs M4-10lbs M5-4lbs M6-15lbs, M7-5lbs M8-