Divorce after surgery

on 6/22/17 9:48 am

I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. That's a traumatic situation for anyone, even if they aren't dealing with a major life change like you are. I can understand that you wouldn't feel like eating. Emotions are powerful things and can take time to get sorted out. I hope you have support IRL.

Sometimes when we're reeling from something that's happened, it's helpful to focus on basic self-care. Get decent amounts of sleep (not too much or too little); feed ourselves healthy food; drink the water; get moving at some point during the day; remember to shower, etc. When emotions are high, our cognitive functioning declines and our daily functioning too! Not taking care of the basics just makes us more vulnerable and more apt to be overwhelmed. And it can be good to focus on the things we can control and not make the situation worse.

Try googling DBT Distress Tolerance skills. The DBT program was developed to teach certain coping and life skills to people who hadn't learned them along the way for various reasons (i.e., Borderline personality disorder and others) but are helpful for almost anyone! The Distress Tolerance skills are about how to get through a bad time without making things worse. Good ideas and/or reminders when our brains might not be functioning at usual levels.

Good luck and take care!

on 6/22/17 10:13 am
VSG on 03/21/17

Thank you so much for the post and the advice. I appreciate it. The last couple of days have been better. The support on this forum has been great.

(deactivated member)
on 6/22/17 5:30 pm

So sorry your going through this. Stay positive and keep getting healthier. Terrible time to decide to do this when she is the one who wanted you to do this. Don't let her derail you and cut your losses. Maybe her intentions or jealous of your new bright future. Not a friend to pick a couple months later to do this. Keep telling yourself life is great and imagine a new life... soon it will be reality. Positive thinking really does work. I wish you the best.

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