Non Gym Workout - I just did a weeks worth of cardio!
Google Orb spider if you dare. They are a BIG stinking spider! I walked into one of those suckers in my shed 3-4 years ago. I'm not afraid of spiders and I knew what it was but that didn't stop me from screaming like a little kid and running like Usain Bolt.

I live in CA now and there are black widows and wolf spiders. Seriously freaks me out. I walked out around the side of the house and not only did I hit the web but the dam* spider jumped on me. Screaming does not described the sound that came out of my mouth. I thought I was dead..... googled and found out it was a jumping spider but seriously I didn't know my body could move like that
You can see in the heat of MAJOR FEAR why I thought black widow....
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
We have the fun of widows, wolf and brown recluse here in Southern Oregon. I have a healthy respect for them but not a fear. If either of our situations had changed to be one of those you could follow the brown line to find me!

on 6/19/17 1:24 pm
I thought you were joking ... OMG, you poor thing!!!! In TN we have Brown Recluse and Black Widows. We had Recluse in our home when we moved here several years. Being from the North I had no clue they existed until I captured one and studied it online. Black Widows have been in the mailbox and garden beds. (Both contain wood) Not sure if you heard that Meghan Linsey, The Voice, lives in Nashville and she was bit by a Recluse on her face.
I too lived most of my life in the Midwest and none of the spiders were an issue and when it got cold bye bye
What gets me is they are so aggressive. I can't tell you how many times I wake up in the morning and have these huge red spots where a spider has bitten me while I sleep. I tear my bedroom and bed apart and never find them.
My goes out to Meghan
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
on 6/20/17 8:41 am
OMG, Kathy, that was about the only good thing about the cold weather in the Midwest. LOL They are super aggressive and so good at hiding.
Now I am fending off Chigger bites, the welts and itch last forever. Everyone looks like they have Chicken Pox down here. Just swept off our porch, webs everywhere, thankfully no cardio!