anxiety and other MI's

on 6/14/17 5:15 am

I won't be having RNY for another few months but wanted to get some feedback from people that are post op. I have depression, anxiety and PTSD. I am doing pretty well. Have been in therapy and working hard for many years. Right now I am struggling with anxiety. I tend to sweat the small stuff and then pile on present and future worries. Again, I am working on it. My question is, for people with anxiety before, how was it after? I feel like mine could go both ways. A lot of my anxiety is cause from things associated with my excess weight. I would just like to hear some honest experiences from some of you folks and from people with other MI's like depression, etc..


on 6/14/17 8:14 am
VSG on 11/08/16

Short history: I was on anti anxiety and anti depressants following a period of trauma. I started therapy 2.5 years ago and decided to wean from these meds. I did okay with that. My weight and BED diag. was a topic during therapy, but was not my primary focus. About a year ago we had a few serious talks about it and I began the WLS process. My therapist was very supportive, but I would say weight/BED/WLS was about 25% of our work. I'm seven months out from my VSG and 30 lbs from goal. I am feeling better. My anxiety is greatly improved (now down to mostly only at night) and my depression seems to have resolved.

Losing weight has helped me feel better physically, I don't have many of the aches/pains I used to and I have a ton more energy. Because I can move easier, I exercise (whi*****reases endorphins) and that makes me feel better. I'm also starting to like how I look (what?!?) And people treat me differently (better).

I am afraid to post an answer to your question because physical and mental health are delicately intertwined and I don't want to say something that will sound like false hope. But I think you understand that. I don't think you're asking if WLS will "cure" your MI's. WLS has helped me work on one of my puzzle pieces and it's been a blessing. It has definitely posed a few new challenges that I couldn't face as well without my therapist. I stopped my meds long before considering WLS so I cannot say how they affect surgery before/after. While I'm in a good period right now, I'm fully aware that my anxiety/depression may revisit me from time to time. I feel strong and healthy, WLS is only a small factor in that, but one I cherish.

on 6/14/17 8:37 am

I greatly appreciate your response. Yes, I absolutely know WLS will not cure my mental health issues. I am just so interested to hear other people's experiences and how much WL has affected them emotionally.

(deactivated member)
on 6/14/17 9:33 am
RNY on 04/18/17

I also experience anxiety and depression due to neurochemical issues and PTSD. Worked through many issues in therapy over ten years and have taken an anti-depressant for 17 years that keeps me totally stable. Like you, many of the intruding thoughts that create anxiety have to do with being overweight (for most of my life). For folks like us, losing weight can help partially with anxiety and depression. Of course, it is not a "cure" as many will confirm and as you state. Personally, I think it is important to continue therapy and keep working on issues. A couple of months out from RNY, I notice that my antidepressant is not working the same due to absorption changes. As stated previously, exercise helps to release endorphins that can help create feelings of wellness. But I do experience a new sense of well-being because I am finally dropping weight!!
I have read experiences of others who had identity difficulties once they lost their weight, who went back to drinking or picked up old dysfunctional eating habits. We have to be on guard against that. It's all a journey. All best energies to you on yours!!

on 6/14/17 10:48 am

Thank You Seren 1959. I wish you well on your journey. I too have been in therapy for over 10 yrs and will probably never stop. I am on several meds and am a little worried about the adjustments post op but will try and take it as it comes and if it does:-)

on 6/16/17 12:35 pm

I wish I could tell you the weight loss helped. For me it didn't help at all but it also didn't make it worse. I have been on xanex.5 three times a day for 24 years and now doctor won't prescribe any more. She gave me 90 to wean off. Anxiety sucks

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