Pain under left shoulder blade?

(deactivated member)
on 5/27/17 1:25 pm
RNY on 04/18/17

Thanks, Nic! That makes some sense as I've had extra gas the last couple of days and that coincides with the onset of the pain. Like you, I also had a band previously. I had a horrible 45 days of pain with it before it was removed in an emergency surgery in 2015. This pain is in the same spot. I'll read up on that nerve and talk to my team as soon as I can.

Nic M
on 5/27/17 7:11 pm, edited 5/27/17 12:11 pm

You know what's really weird (and annoying?) After I got my band out in emergency surgery, the left shoulder pain was relieved quite a bit and I was happy about that. And then I started sneezing for hours and hours at a time until the point of passing out. Hiccups and sneezing... I'd go to the gym, bend over to pick up weights or do crunches, whatever... and by the time I got home, I'd be miserable. I felt so fragile and ridiculous. It went on for YEARS. I seriously was ready to scream my head off. It was unpredictable and got very painful.

I still get this weirdness every once in awhile. I have ulcers and a hiatal hernia and for the past week, every time my stomach gets wonky, I start sneezing and I can't breathe for hours. It's very sudden and goes away just as suddenly!

If you had a band, you might very well have damage to your Vagus nerves since it's a pretty common side effect, unfortunately. Hopefully it will resolve as you heal and it will just be an unpleasant memory. Definitely mention it to your surgical team and see if they have any advice that might help you in the meantime. Hopefully they'll have some ideas of how to lessen it.

Wishing you the best.


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


(deactivated member)
on 5/28/17 7:58 am
RNY on 04/18/17

Bizarre! Now my pain has migrated up and under my armpit. It does now hurt to take a deep breath, sneeze, cough, or hiccup. I had this pain immediately following surgery, but it went away, so I thought, OK, whatever that was, it must be healed now. It woke me up a few times last night. Will have it checked out.

Mary Gee
on 5/27/17 1:45 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Well, I've learned some new things today. That's why I love OH. Never imagined there was any real possibility that the pain could be surgery related.....I stand corrected! Hope it resolves without issue.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








(deactivated member)
on 5/27/17 1:51 pm
RNY on 04/18/17

We all seem to have such diverse experiences with this process. That's what fascinates me!

(deactivated member)
on 6/5/17 4:05 pm
RNY on 04/18/17

Update: The pain finally "resolved." I read many posts about this particular type of pain in this area. Most people were told that it is gas or a result of eating too fast or too much. The pain migrated, which led me to conclude that it was probably gas. A few days ago, I awoke and the pain was right under my armpit. I took a deep breath, felt a sharp stab, and the pain was gone. Just incredible the havoc a gas bubble can wreak!

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