OH, people do come here for help right?

on 5/25/17 10:13 pm

Thank you very much for that. It was very much appreciated. Very well said and i was not offended in any way and I got your point. Thank you again.


Oxford Comma Hag
on 5/25/17 7:26 pm

I will probably regret this, but I'll jump into the fray anyway.

I see the term bullying getting thrown around, and sometimes it is unwarranted. Sometimes it is that people disagree or rub each other wrong.

Suicide is pretty ******g serious, and as someone else said, if you fear for someone, reach out and contact a mod.

I completely disagree with your assertion that 99.99%here were depressed and possibly suicidal. That hyperbolic statement takes away from the seriousness of suicide.

Additionally, if you think a person is truly bullying some, especially someone in crisis, address that person directly.

I fight badgers with spoons.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255


on 5/25/17 9:41 pm

Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.

The girl was definitely bullying the other person, she out and out resorted to name calling and degradation. It was uncalled for and brutal. Others who have actually seen the exact post know what I'm talking about and have agreed. Others just choose to throw their 2 cents in because it's human nature even though they don't know, well hopefully they don't actually know and are still defending that girl. Or their feeling maybe guilty about something? idk.

Yes suicide is absolutely serious. And I did give the girl that was being bullied some words of encouragement in the hopes of offsetting damage that may have been inflicted, but I don't know the person, they showed no indication of being suicidal but since you seem familiar with it in the same sense that i may be, suicidal people don't always show direct signs, so idk, but should I report someone for being suicidal every time someone gets picked on? That'd be a lot of reporting.

Out of curiosity, i looked up exact stats and it is 78% of obese people have reported being depressed. Well I didn't report being depressed and I am. And I said possibly suicidal.

"Studies over the last several years have shown that although suicide is rare, rates are up to four times higher among people who have had bariatric surgery compared with the general population. However, the reason for these increased rates -- and whether this population may be more prone to suicide attempts regardless of surgery -- remains a topic for debate."

Please read the rest of this post and comments for any other questions or queries you may have. I think everything was covered. Thank you for your concern and have a blessed day.


on 5/26/17 5:38 am, edited 5/25/17 10:40 pm

You seem to not be comprehending your own post on the definition of bullying. One adult responding to another's post is not bullying because no imbalance of power exists. Both posters are of a free will to participate, or not.

Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception, by the bully or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical power, which distinguishes bullying from conflict.

I'm always reminded of Eleanor Roosevelt's quote at times like these: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." I cannot, nor will not, take responsibility for another's interpretation of my words. Being direct is not "being a witch" and it definitely isn't bullying.

RNY, 8/1/2011
HW: 348          SW: 306          CW:-fighting regain
    GW: 140

He who endures, conquers. ~Persius

(deactivated member)
on 5/30/17 7:24 am

Ok, so did you just learn to copy and paste? See? you DID learn something from this site!

Beam me up Scottie
on 5/25/17 9:31 pm
Yep OH is full of vile and malicious people.

Hence the world of online forums.......take it with a grain of salt.

Gina 22 years out
on 5/27/17 8:16 pm - Burleson, TX

Been missing you!!

RNY 4-22-02...

LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155

We Can Do Hard Things

Gwen M.
on 5/26/17 4:32 am
VSG on 03/13/14
On May 25, 2017 at 11:19 PM Pacific Time, NotOldMomma wrote:

I am editing my post because I've seen graciousness and kindness and some not so gracious and kind. If you would like to see what the OP said, someone copied and pasted it below. Which is fine, I just don't know how to do that myself. I want to thank everyone who was gracious and kind and the ones who weren't.... oh well, i probably didn't reply too kindly either. If I said something that hurt your feelings, I apologize. Please remember when you're replying to someone's comment, treat others the way you want to be treated. We're all guilty i guess in some way shape or form, yes including myself.

Have a Blessed evening and may you find peace and happiness in the rest of your journey. I'm out!

Wow. Your edit is possibly even more passive aggressive than the original post was. You don't get to magically absolve yourself of the **** you said by editing and telling people to "have a blessed evening." And any apology that starts out with "if..." is not an actual apology.

You have made quite an entrance to the forums and this is what you're going to be remembered for. When YOU need help in your pre- and post-op life, please remember all of your accusations when the people you've accused are doing their best to try to give you good, sound, and useful advice.

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 5/26/17 8:21 am
RNY on 08/05/19

Assuming the accused even bother to provide any advice. I know I sure won't.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

Mary Gee
on 5/26/17 12:12 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14


I edited my post to add examples of different types of questions that have been asked.

Editing your post to basically remove it in its entirety is, IMHO, poor taste. You shouldn't post something that you're not going to stand by. Just looks like you want to be liked and not let people see where you stand. I wouldn't get up on a soapbox and blast people, and then grab my soapbox and run away because people are calling me out. I might type a response saying something like "I could have said that differently...."

Maybe people should spend more time reading past posts and learning more about OH, before trying to "bully" others on their posting style.

Read and learn.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








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