OH, people do come here for help right?

on 5/25/17 8:58 pm

Hey now lol don't say stuff like that, that may be misconstrued as you starting drama lol and maybe you didn't see my other comments to others but i felt it unfair to directly call that person out so as not to be considered a bully by doing so, but i guess I'm getting called one anyway lol but my conscious is clear so I'm not hating.

BTW you're welcome for livening up your thursday, though I didn't think so many guilty feeling people would be getting their panties in a bunch lol and some of them were the ones that I thought better of lol

I really thought that maybe someone else would go on that page and maybe address the name caller in a way that I could not bring myself to


Citizen Kim
on 5/26/17 5:53 am - Castle Rock, CO

Did you consider that noone else sees the posts the way you do? We are at six pages and I have yet to see ONE post that agrees with your assessment of the meanness.

In general, other people are not going to post your thoughts for you. You'll need to do that.

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 5/25/17 6:03 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Thanks for the shout out. But like I said be patient. Everyone has different posting styles & you'll probably find some that you don't like. It is the internet. The forum nanny thing is extremely frowned upon. People are who they are.

I say get past the posting style & get to the heart of the message.The message might apply to you or any op or it might not. If it gets you to at least think about it, if even for a minute, that might be a good thing.

Tone is very interpretive on these boards. What's said on one end is heard differently on the other.

Miscommunication is very common on these boards. Remember the grain of salt.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


on 5/25/17 6:49 pm

Lol I'm coming to find that out more and more but no matter what I can'****ch people be deliberately hurtful, I just can't. Maybe this isn't the right place for me, if stuff like that is ok with so many people


on 5/25/17 7:50 pm
VSG on 03/17/14

If a poster is not able to "handle" the answers to their posts, then they should speak up or move on.

If you disagree with a post, find that spine you have referred to a few times and directly engage the person that you perceive to be a bully. Posting a separate thread like this comes across as passive aggressive and pretty darn thirsty.

You far overstate your ability to stand up to these "bullies" and come to the aid of the so called "victim".

"Maybe this isn't the right place for me...". BINGO.

on 5/25/17 9:00 pm

Maybe you didn't see the part where I have already explained over and over that I didnt.... wait let me figure out how to copy and paste cause I'm tiring of retyping


H.A.L.A B.
on 5/25/17 7:51 pm
On May 26, 2017 at 1:49 AM Pacific Time, NotOldMomma wrote:

Lol I'm coming to find that out more and more but no matter what I can'****ch people be deliberately hurtful, I just can't. Maybe this isn't the right place for me, if stuff like that is ok with so many people

Bless your heart. Is this a first "real life forum" you are a member off? Just grab some coffee, a bag of cookies and read a little.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 5/25/17 9:12 pm

It unfortunately is. My doctor recommended it to learn some helpful tips and since I started doing online exercises, I thought, as a reward when I finish my exercise, I'll come on here and see how other WLS people are doing and learn some pointers. At first I was exercising once a day so I wasn't on here much, now i exercise way more frequent so i get to visit more times. Bad idea I guess. I don't know how people can find it ok in their hearts to actually sit by and let someone out right name call and degrade someone. Is that the true pathetic shape of this world? At first I was getting frustrated with people accusing me of being a bully and trying to control people and whatever else. Maybe they had a guilty conscience and felt the need to speak up against me because they thought i was talking about them but whatever, now it just saddens me they would rather argue with me. idk I'm done, may everyone find true inner peace and pray they never have a relative who is a victim to online bullying.


H.A.L.A B.
on 5/25/17 10:06 pm
On May 26, 2017 at 4:12 AM Pacific Time, NotOldMomma wrote:

It unfortunately is. My doctor recommended it to learn some helpful tips and since I started doing online exercises, I thought, as a reward when I finish my exercise, I'll come on here and see how other WLS people are doing and learn some pointers. At first I was exercising once a day so I wasn't on here much, now i exercise way more frequent so i get to visit more times. Bad idea I guess. I don't know how people can find it ok in their hearts to actually sit by and let someone out right name call and degrade someone. Is that the true pathetic shape of this world? At first I was getting frustrated with people accusing me of being a bully and trying to control people and whatever else. Maybe they had a guilty conscience and felt the need to speak up against me because they thought i was talking about them but whatever, now it just saddens me they would rather argue with me. idk I'm done, may everyone find true inner peace and pray they never have a relative who is a victim to online bullying.

This is going to be, hopefully, my last response to you.

This forum is amazing most of the time. People are genuine. Most of them. Specially long timers who stuck around to help newbies and each other. The amount of information that is here is incredible. The combined? knowledge amazing. Real support for people who are real, honest, and forthcoming - can't be any better. ?

Sometimes though help come in not so pretty envelope. Like the **** that saved the poor bird's life. Reading a lot and trying to understand the OH can help you more than just trying to be nice. I have friends irl that I needed to be nice to me. Oh - helped me to be successful in my WLS. That I gained a few friends - is a bonus. Friend what will be there for me when I really need it, and who would tell me off when they see I do stopped things, or attempt to do stupid things.

When I first joined - 9 years ago ,- I got some thought love. No sugar coating. Was it hard at times? You bet. Did I like it? No way. Hell no.

But the same people who seemed to be harsh, were the ones that I benefited the most from. I honestly can say that one of them ,"saved my health" if not my life. I was smart enough to look past "you are stupid to trust your doc to tell you your labs are good and not get for copies". I was told to suck it up and take vitamins and minerals and stop whining when things got rough. Some of their stories made me more humble. Made me realized that I am extremely lucky.

I was "shielded," from scammers and trolls, because most of them were recognized very fast and chased away. I was saved from myself when I really tried to do some stupid ****

I took what I needed and left the rest. When I saw someone ," attacked" I tried to find why and the past history. We do have some whacky people on here, whose advices could really hurt someone.

Take what you need from OH. Get involved slowly.

Your post reminded me of a friend I invited to stay in my to house for a few days. One morning I wake up and realized that she rearranged my stuff in the living room. She did not like how I had things set up so she changed them. And was planning to "organize" my kitchen. She is no longer welcome to my house. I no longer socialize with her. She was clueless how a guess should behave.

You don't know who we are, you did not even try to understand any of us, yet you are throwing paunches? left and right. You are getting judgemental?.

Learn by reading. Try to not offer advise on stuff to don't know yet. Hand patting? when seeing someone doing things that can hurt them up to causing? his death or disability -is not ok. Telling someone that it was ok to eat/drink something that can clearly hurt them - is like telling someone that it is ok to jump from a bridge, because the bridge does not look talk enough.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

CerealKiller Kat71
on 5/25/17 10:11 pm
RNY on 12/31/13

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

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