Liquid Diet and drinking with meals
To shrink your liver, all you need is to go into ketosis which is a low carb diet. I had surgery a week ago and have been on this site daily for tge last few months and have seen huge variations in diets wondering why own surgeon doesn't do a low carb diet...most protein shakes (except premier) have some carbs and sugar so if you have 4 of those a day I thought you might have less carbs doing an Adkins like diet. My dietician let me have 1 meal a day of protein and a green vegetable.
As far as drinking with meals, disregard that for clear liquids and full liquids. I also have found there is no actual meal cause you are drinking something constantly to get in the liquid and protein requirements. I always have water with my protein shake cause they are too sweet for me.
Good luck to you and hope everything goes well!
First, Congratulations on your surgery! Yes, i agree. i'm doing Atkins 20 and my carbs are well below what i would have if I was doing shakes. Though my daughter and I experimented/taste tested many different shakes just so i can find one that I don't gag on and I found one at Walmart, a big tub is like $20. It's called EAS, I got the vanilla and make it with water so its not as thick and not as sweet. I tried making it with fairlife milk in case I wanted to punch some more protein in it, but it was yucky. EAS is a powerful 30 protein in ONE shake, 160 cals, >5carbs. They're not bad at all when made with water and the protein is so high, I only NEED to do 2/day.
Thank you and i hope all is going well with your recovery.

on 5/24/17 7:46 am
I also did not have to do a long term pre-op liquid diet. Just two days before surgery. One thing to consider here: if you're drinking 'protein' like chicken broth, or a protein shake, then consider that your meal. If you're drinking water, then consider that your 'drink'. Don't down the protein and then wa**** down with water. You're not getting the full effect of digestion in your stomach. It will help you feel more satisfied and it also will get you in the habit of waiting to drink, which is a habit that takes a little adjustment to manage. (at least for me.)
Nothing to add about the drinking after solids vs liquids as I think tht's been well covered. I would obviously suggest that you follow your surgeon's directions (not that you implied you wouldn't, I just don't want this post to be misconstrued). However, to offer a different viewpoint, my surgeon does not require you to separate eating and drinking with either an RNY or VSG. His view is that if it causes you discomfort, don't do it. If it doesn't, then go right ahead. He also allows straws and carbonated beverages (he is very anti sugar and artificial sweeteners, so just club soda, etc). He also does not promote low-carb (he simply restricts refined carbs, but recommends large quantities of veggies and fruits).
He does have you do a liquid diet 2-weeks prior to surgery, but actually waived mine given the success I had had with my 6 week pre-op diet, so he didn't feel it was warranted.
Just like to highlight the fact that there are lots of different approaches to this surgery, both pre and post-op. My surgeon tends to be outside of the mainstream to some degree, but I have had great success following his recommendations - I lost about 185lbs in 10 months and have been maintaining at around 150lbs (I'm a 5'8" male) for about 6 months.

THAT IS SUPER FREAKING AWESOME!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Watch! I'm very motivated for that to be me! I'm going to MAKE it happen! I have to send you a friend request so you can tell me more of your plan that you followed. I mean I'm doing pretty damn good already and with the RNY's help, all bets are off! Yeah buddy! lol
So since you are allowed to drink with meals, it doesn't bother you? I take Lisinopril which makes my throat very scratchy, even during meals and I can rarely go half an hour without taking a sip or 2 or i'm gagging on that scratchy feeling. Hopefully when the weight starts coming off, the meds will start being needed less and less but it's wait and see.
Just so you know I'm a little bit of a jokester and I love being facetious lol but you've been a 5'8" male for about 6 months???? lol opposed to a 5'10" male or were you a girl? lol jk

LOL. No, I've been a 5'8" male for a few years. I was a 5'9" male for many years but appear to be shrinking! Send me a request, I'm happy to fill you in, and no, drinking after meals doesn't bother me. I don't generally drink during meals as it fills me up, but I will drink after if I'm thirsty, it doesn't bother me.
Don't despair. Be thankful you're not being subjected to pre-op torture. Some docs are more confident with laparoscopic tools than others, and some like your innards more "neat and tidy" when they are cutting them apart. My DS was done open, because my surgeon preferred her own eyes and hands for this complicated procedure. I had no pre-op diet because it didn't matter the size of my liver because of that. All she asked is that I don't eat anything too chunky the night before, because it's gross on her end. I was happy to oblige that request for her. For food progression, I was eating soft foods on day 4 in the hospital and released to progress at my own rate, trying one new thing at a time as I felt like trying it.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes