Surgeon Won't Help

on 4/17/17 2:36 pm - WI

Please go to another surgeon. When you say the CAT scan shows a dilation of a loop, it may be that an adhesion (scar tissue) has wrapped around your intestine and you have bowel blockage. Adhesions DO NOT show up on CT scans or x-rays. The only way to see them is with exploratory surgery. This could be a life threatening situation. I have had three bowel obstructions from adhesions and each time the doctor told me that "it didn't look too bad". The first one nearly killed me. I had necrotic bowel and sepsis.

Get a second opinion ASAP. Severe pain is never normal.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

Donna L.
on 4/17/17 3:18 pm - Chicago, IL
Revision on 02/19/18

Get a second opinion immediately in a major university hospital center. What state do you live in?

Also, many people don't know this, get copies of ALL your surgical reports. Every time we have surgery, the surgeons write up a report. Typically this is not given to patients.

Get copies of your CT scans too, and not just the reports. Document the pain and time. Be anal about it. Bring this to the new appointment

I follow a ketogenic diet post-op. I also have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Feel free to ask me about either!

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much...the life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully. -- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

Beam me up Scottie
on 4/17/17 6:47 pm
Yep, I'd go to another doctor for a 2nd opinion.

on 4/19/17 12:43 am
Revision on 03/21/17


Some of you asked about the blood transfusions. I was horribly anemic. My blood count was robust before surgery but wasn't by April 6. I was never given any reason.

I went back to the ER the evening of the original post to get more of the same crap. The ER doctor wanted to admit me but without the surgeon's approval his hands were tied, and the surgeon said I could wait for my appointment. Today is Wednesday and I have an appointment with the surgeon in his office. I'm taking the CT scans and reports and my husband plans to put those in the guy's face and ask about the dilation of the afferent loop and why nothing is being done about that. The second CT shows atrophy of the pancreas, which is new, so we're going to ask about that too.

Personally, I don't want to go back to this guy, but my husband says we have to give him one last chance to make it right. I live in Tennessee so if I don't get help today I'll have to try Nashville.

Thank you to everyone for the comments and support.

CerealKiller Kat71
on 4/19/17 5:43 am
RNY on 12/31/13

I sincerely hope you get the help you need and deserve.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

on 4/20/17 4:40 pm
RNY on 03/14/17

Are you better

on 5/4/17 6:54 am
Revision on 03/21/17

Another update:

I ended up having emergency surgery 4/20/17 due to afferent loop syndrome plus a small bowel obstruction. I wish I could say that was the end of it, but that surgery was on a Thursday and by Saturday I was already throwing up again. There was a stricture at the outlet of the stomach, but no one wanted to listen to me so I was sent home from the hospital and the stricture didn't get treated until 5/2/17, when I had an endoscopy and the surgeon stretched the stricture.

I sure hope this is the end of the complications, but I'm in pretty bad shape now with a long recovery ahead.

I appreciate everyone's comments and support.


Laura in Texas
on 5/4/17 8:16 am

Did your bariatric surgeon operate or did you find a different surgeon? You have been through so much. I hope you are on the road to recovery now!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

CerealKiller Kat71
on 5/4/17 8:17 am
RNY on 12/31/13

I hope you recover soon.

Did you allow the same surgeon to do the emergency surgery as well?

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

on 5/10/17 2:45 am
Revision on 03/21/17

Another update:

I'm back in the hospital. Yesterday I had an endoscopy that showed a horrible massive bleeding ulcer. Even the nurses were saying how bad it is.

Hemoglobin was down to 6.4. Got 2 more units of blood. They are trying to manage the ulcer, but if it doesn't get better in a few days it's back to surgery.

Thanks for reading and for the support.

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