What protein snacks do you keep in the car/on the go?
It's not perfect, a little high on the carb side, but it's an option to get a little more protein in and something to keep in the office drawer.

* 8/16/2017 - ONEDERLAND!! *
HW 306 - SW 297 - GW 175 - Surg VSG with Melanie Hafford on 8/17/2016
My blog at http://www.theantichick.com or follow on Facebook TheAntiChick
Blog Posts - The Easy Way Out // Cheating on Post-Op Diet
I keep in the car:
a bottle of water
protein bar (Kirkland brand in summer and Pure Protein or FitJoy in cold months - because they melt)
snack bag with mixed nuts
Kays Protein Cookie bites (individual 1.2 oz bag) eat them dry
Pacific Gold beef jerkey (individual 1.25 oz bag)
I don't eat fast food - so if I'm needing more of a "meal", I stop at grocery store and buy deli meat, cheese, Fage greek yogurt, fresh berries or small bag of carrots, et****ep napkins and plastic spoons/fork/knife, in my car. ( I also keep a dish towel in the console to put over my chest to keep spills/drips from staining my clothes or coat).
If there's a chance I might be in the car at meal time - then I pack a cooler with my meal.
Hope that helps,
Great ideas, thank you...sadly I will have to pass on the Tuna - I dislike fish a lot.
I'm a huge Quest fan. I started eating them at work as my breakfast pretty early, about 3 months out. For me, they always sat well, and kept me full through lunch. I don't have time to cook and sit and eat an actual breakfast in the morning (and to be honest, I'm not willing to get up a half an hour earlier to do so). On the weekend, it's some form of eggs and bacon.
I always carry a Quest bar on me, since some days I'm gone from the house for 14+ hours. And sometimes those days are not planned. If I know it's going to be a long day, I'll also pack some almonds and beef jerky. I also like to make my own, since I got a dehydrator for Christmas. I don't like sweet jerky at all, so I like being able to customize my own. My go-to marinade is just equal parts water and soy sauce, with garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper added.
150 lost and maintaining!
Almonds, beef jerky, little vacuum packs of olives, string cheese, hard boiled eggs, lunch meat roll ups. Yum!
ISO ... New "clique" members. You must be kind, warm, welcoming, honest, intelligent, and have a sense of humor. The words "shamed" or "victim" can not be in your regular vocabulary. Sarcasm is welcome (and wanted!), but cruelty is not. You must not be a coddler or a shamer. All members are free to classify themselves as vets, newbies, grasshoppers or anything else they desire.
I enjoy long walks on the beach, puppies, sunsets and taking off my bra as I pull in the driveway. If you are like minded, you are in!
And remember, we are ALL worthy of love, humor, and dignity.
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