What protein snacks do you keep in the car/on the go?
Thank you- quest looks like the winner to keep in the vehicles. They are to keep incase I get stuck, but I plan on preparing ahead of time when I leave.
Quest bars are great. I am a fan of the Apple flavor. I actually keep a bar cut up at work so I can "snack" without eating all the crap. Thanks for having lots of crummy food everywhere, healthcare office.
I also keep 4 premiere protein shakes around, usually caramel. Sometimes Work Gets Busy and I can't get a break. That's a good chunk of protein for me. I use this as more of a meal, though.
I also keep salmon foil packets with me, as well as canned sardines. Yeah, I know not everyone likes 'em, but one tiny can literally keeps me full half the day since I'm low carb. It's nuts. I love tuna, but still worry about the mercury in it.
They now make single-serving olive cups. They aren't protein, but also keep me full. I use these when I am craving super salty crunchy things.
I follow a ketogenic diet post-op. I also have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Feel free to ask me about either!
It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much...the life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully. -- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life
I really like Epic Bars - they are meat based, not anything like a candy bar, but a great alternative when you need a grab and go type meal replacement. Some flavors are better nutritionally than others - the chicken sriracha is a great choice - check out their website for more details and be sure to read the labels to make sure you are getting the most bang for your buck with protein, calories, etc.
I would recommend buying one or two vs. a large pack as some folks don't like them. Also, try different flavors. I really think they are good, in my new mindset of good - which is basically not delicious but edible. Delicious just makes me want more, so edible and nutritious is what I look for now. :)
There are also posts on OH about them - this is where I first read about them. So search Epic Bars and you might get more info/opinions/etc.
I get mine from Trader Joe's and Amazon.
I am in sales, so while I plan for my meals, I never know if a meeting or appointment will run over. Having a healthy snack choice in my car is critical to my success and prevents me from making a stop at a gas station, restaurant or GOD FORBID fast food! I think you are smart to plan ahead and be prepared. Not sure why other folks don't see the value in that. This is lifestyle dependent. There are times when I think I'm running out for 30 minutes, and with L.A. traffic or a disorganized customer, it becomes 2-3 hrs. Having a healthy snack to hold me over to my next planned meal is key!

Original VSG 3/23/2012 - Revision/Resleeve 1/6/2017
Thank you - I just pulled up the site and will take a look! Can I ask why you were re-sleeved?
Sure! I will be happy to share my re-sleeve story with you. Be prepared, lots of people will likely post judgmental comments, but I ignore them and follow my doctor's advice. :)
I got my original sleeve in 2012, I weighed 208 lbs. I lost over 60 lbs and got down to 145. I stayed there for a couple of years, but slowly began gaining weight back and by last year, I realized I could eat a lot more. I felt like I had lost a lot of my restriction. I went to my doctor, and he confirmed (after upper GI series) that my sleeve had enlarged. His recommendation was to adjust my sleeve, which was kind of an hour glass shape.
Naturally, my first question was, "Did I stretch my sleeve?" My doctor was very careful about how he answered the question, and never actually gave me the definitive response I was hoping for. He said it was hard to say, it may just be how my body compensated for the original surgery. Another doctor on his team said that "they don't have a pattern" when they do the original surgery, so it was possible that it was just an odd shape to begin with....there were lots of theories presented and I kept asking, believe me.
Anyway, by the time I decided to have the revision I was about 161 lbs., which was a 16 lb gain over about a year and a half to two years. (This is where the criticism starts, beware....) Despite all of my efforts to stick to the diet, exercise more, etc., I could not lose and continued to slowly gain. My surgeon thought that my weight would continue to rise and recommended me for the surgery. My insurance approved it. I had it done, and I'm thrilled with the results and have not looked back. I've lost the weight and am back at 145. I hope I stay here this time. I am being very careful about staying with my 3 oz of food, not taking that last bite that becomes "too much," etc. And I work out on a regular basis, which I also did in the past but could not get results.
Many folks on this board were very tough on me when I was considering the revision. For some, it may be as easy as returning to the original food plan and somehow making it work. For me, the revision was a great solution and I am thankful to my doctor and insurance company for making it happen before I was back at 208 again. I hope this is it, but who knows. I will continue to follow my doctor's advice though, regardless of how much people here might think they know more. :)

Original VSG 3/23/2012 - Revision/Resleeve 1/6/2017
Thank you for posting, I'm sure it was not the easiest. No judgment here, hour glass shape sounds weird and it sounds like you did all that you could. I am glad that you are listening to your Dr. and that you are happy. Keep up the measuring and exercising!
I didn't really start carrying protein bars around until I was further out because they did not work for me at all when I was earlier out. They always made me sick to my stomach and dense protein worked much better. But I carried beef jerky with me everywhere. And had to use it quite a few times. I also carried packets of tuna. Just in case.
I kind of equate the word snack with graze which obviously is bad for WLS peeps. My way of life now is more along the lines of what some other people have said about their snacks equaling another meal. My meals are anywhere between 100-200 calories. I eat 4 -5 meals a day instead of saying 3 meals + 1-2 snacks. It's just a mental thing I think.

HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131
TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds
I have found turkey jerky to be easier for me to eat and digest than beef jerky. I get snack pack size pouches on Amazon, and it's the right amount to eat in a sitting, and that way it doesn't go bad after I open it. I can keep a pouch or two in my bag and it's great. I also keep a couple of protein bars and a couple packs of nuts. I'm constantly on the go and have frequently found myself having to work through lunch or out somewhere and starving, and what's in my bag is a lot better option than a drive-thru or the snack machine at work. Though I've also started keeping protein mac & cheese cups in my drawer at the office for backup as well.

* 8/16/2017 - ONEDERLAND!! *
HW 306 - SW 297 - GW 175 - Surg VSG with Melanie Hafford on 8/17/2016
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Blog Posts - The Easy Way Out // Cheating on Post-Op Diet