Am I doing the right thing?

on 4/12/17 12:57 pm

Was it worth it to me?Absolutely.I had sleeve in 2011 then revision to gastric bypass in 2016.I had sever acid reflux. This is life changing.It is a tool to help you but you still have to do the work.I have lost altogether 94 lbs with the 2 surgeries.After sleeve I had regained some weight.I have lost that and more. No regrets.

on 4/12/17 5:20 pm

Thank you all so much for your replies.

Its good to see that you all would do it again and gives me some reassurance. Im really scared about the op and also in a way sad that i wont be able to eat in the same way again.

I can relate to a lot of what you have said, i definitely think im an emotional over eater and i suspect i have a compulsive eating disorder.

I have been suffering from depression which makes me over eat. Weight gain then makes me depressed which in turn leads to more overeating. Its a vicious circle that i have experienced most of my life. This latest episode has been one of the worst. I have become a recluse, ive gained 84lbs since June 2016. Im a shadow of my formal self and have cut myself off from the world. I cant take it anymore which is why im considering such drastic action. I think have lost 500lbs & put it all back on over the years. Im an expert dieter & when i put my mind to it really successful. I just cant sustain it.

Im going to go ahead and book a consultation with a surgeon and take it from there.

So happy to have found this forum & to have an insight into what the future may be like for me.

on 4/12/17 7:31 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

Best decision I ever made. I would do it again in a nano-second. No regrets.

It's awful that the NHS doesn't recognize all the benefits of weight loss surgery... I think they will soon... as obesity climbs and they are dealing with the $$$$$ effects of related issues like diabetes, heart, joint replacements, etc. they will start to see the great cost savings.

Major pitfalls... more like words of advice...

You must be vigilant with your vitamins and keep up with annual labs but really it becomes second nature, make it a habit right away.

Lifestyle changes have to happen... after a few years it's more about the changes you have made than whether you had surgery/what surgery. So when you do this... be ready to change your life... because the scale will go down for a time... but it does still goes both ways.

The above the neck stuff needs to be addressed as well... if there is an emotional/psycho-social aspect to your eating that work still needs to happen... because when the weight is gone... a BIG LIGHT SHINES ON "THE STUFF" that often we blamed weight for when more often than not... weight was the symptom not the cause.

Best wishes to you,

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

Beam me up Scottie
on 4/12/17 7:43 pm
I think you have 2 issues.....

1) the weight (that is obvious). Weight loss helps general health. I could never I had the DS. It worked for me....11 years of maintaining a 300 lb weight loss.

2) depression. I know this is likely not the main crux of your post, but when people start telling me they'd rather be dead than to live their current rings warning bells.

With that said, at 500 lbs I was miserable physically...I could barely walk and I was 10 years younger than you at the time.

I think in addition to any weight loss surgery you choose, you may want to consider some talk therapy. When you rapidly lose can cause major issues with emotional regulation.

As for the self-pay option:

This doctor in Spain is world famous for performing the DS. He also does the VSG. You may find that it is a lot cheaper to go to a surgery center that is not too far from where you live.


Beam me up Scottie
on 4/12/17 7:46 pm
BTW I'd have surgery again in a decision of my life!

It's been good for me professionally as well. Society hates/shames fat's really hard to take a 500 lb man seriously as a professional. I'd train people and then they would get promoted ahead of me. My professional life has taken off since surgery.

on 4/15/17 4:26 pm

Hi UK Guy -- I'm left lying awake at night wondering the same thing. I'm new to this forum too and have no idea if doing the gastric sleeve surgery is the right thing for me. I'm 42 years old and have fluctuated with my weight anywhere between 50 and 120 lbs. I've lost weight before - 3 times in fact - 40lbs, 50lbs then 60lbs but always gained it back with more on top. I feel like this isn't real. I feel like I can't believe I'm considering this -- is it really necessary? I'm extremely confused. I enjoy reading everyone's story and it inspires me but I still wonder to my self " if I could lose the weight on my own, then why do I need the surgery." I guess the reality is that I can't keep the weight off so I guess I do need to do it. I'm tired of being fat. Now that I'm in my 40s I'm feeling it more and more. My joints hurt, I've recently developed asthma, every day I think I have chest pains -- I don't know if I really do or if they're phantom pains because I'm super panicked that sine I've gained so much weight recently that I'm gonna have a heart attack any day and die. I need to lose weight and I need to lose it quick and keep it off because I'm at the point where I feel like if I don't, Im not gonna live long. The reality is hard to accept, I guess. I love reading the stories, the experiences, the real struggles so I know what to expect. I'm happy to have found this site. I realize my reply didn't answer your questions but maybe you will find comfort knowing you're not alone. good luck, my friend.

on 5/24/17 2:49 pm

Thank you for your reply.

I hope you can find a happy place for yourself.

Have you thought about having a gastric band instead of the more evasive surgery.

I probably would have tried that first if I wasn't self funding, here in the U.K. It's £6,000 for the band & £9,000 for the bypass.

Gwen M.
on 5/24/17 6:01 pm
VSG on 03/13/14

The gastric band is a horrible surgery, please don't do that to yourself to save £3000. The band can erode into your stomach or esophagus and many people need to have them removed due to life threatening complications.

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

on 5/24/17 2:51 pm

Thanks to everyone for their input.

Just thought I'd give a quick update.

I am booked to have my surgery on 27th May.

Have mixed emotions but feeling pretty anxious and scared at the moment.

Citizen Kim
on 5/24/17 4:58 pm - Castle Rock, CO

I'm an English woman living in the US. Pay the money and get the bypass. The band is a nightmare and will almost certainly have to be removed after causing you untold damage. If you go to the revision forum you'll see what I mean

My sister and my cousin both had RNY in the UK, on the NHS, and have been successful.

I had mine here in the US 13 years ago and have never regretted it for one day.

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

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