I feel like giving up

on 4/12/17 8:39 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

Sending you a cyber hug as I read your vent (vent away) I recall feeling similarly. I hope you are able to figure out a way to have weight loss surgery. It will definitely help some of the issue you have mentioned. I will say this... I think you should address the above the neck stuff... I know you said you had no insurance coverage for WLS but I am assuming you have some coverage (Medicare, ACA plan?) that would cover therapy. I think you will find even after weight loss surgery some of the issues will remain, perhaps worsen (body image stuff) so getting a head start on that can only help... along with healthy eating choices and moving as much as you are able.

Your Weight Matters National Convention (Limited amount of scholarships are available starting April 17th. worth a try at one: http://www.ywmconvention.com/convention-details/scholarship- program/ ) is a great place to get some good education and support.

Wishing you brighter days!

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 4/27/17 9:02 pm
RNY on 01/23/19

Thank you all so much for taking the time to give me tips and advice and to offer words of encouragement!! I appreciate it more than you know!!

CerealKiller Kat71
on 4/28/17 7:17 am
RNY on 12/31/13

When I read your words, they make me want to cry. I so remember all those feelings -- and I'm so sad that anyone else has to feel them, too.


"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

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