My 600-lb. Life - Steven and Justin's Story part 2. My 2 cents...
I may be wrong but I think TLC has changed their format where they are going to do an entire season of follow ups. If you remember in the past by the end of the show they were well into a year or more of weight loss. All of these stories are too early out for a conclusion. We shall see
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
They used to do a season of Where are they now, which followed them past the 1 year mark. I watched/bought a couple of episodes. I wanted to watch what happened with Penny, she irritated the hell out of me too.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel
Honestly he doesn't seem like the kind of person who deserved all the chances he got. There are so many people out there who need, want and deserve the help that dr now was offering to this one ungrateful person. Also, it's frustrating to see someone abusing the system like he does. Most people that are on disability have worked hard to get the needed assistance. His whole way of abusing the system paints a bad light on so many people that are struggling with their assistance. He is not represtative of the folks who are using and needing the system but so many people will see this and think he is.
All that being said I hope he succeeds now and gets his health back. Given what they showed about him and his family I think it's unlikely.

I watch 600lb life religiously and this one was frustrating to watch. This guy abuses the system. He is clearly a drug addict and drug addicts manipulate everyone around them. He has used is obesity to abuse the system as well.
I have a SIL and BIL (married), both addicted to narcotic pain medication. My FIL gives them money constantly and my FIL has money to do it. We do his taxes for him and try our best to manage the money now that he is 88 an cannot even write a check anymore. Last year he gave them 80K....yes I said 80K. They have no house payment because he gave them grandmas house to live in which is fully paid off. So far as of 2017 they have received another 40K and he gives them money weekly. They use it to buy narcotics off the street. I know this because they asked my oldest son if he could get them narcotics. Of course he said no and told hubby and I that it was happening.
Both of them are in the ER more than 6 times a month for pain pills which I dont get because it is so hard to get them.
My SIL goes to a pain management clinic and they provide her with a large prescription for the highest does of Percocet you can get. In December she took an severe overdose of tylenol because she was taking the Percocet and tylenol on top of it. She started feeling very sick and went to the ER. She walked in at noon and by 6pm she was on life support and we were told she needed a new liver. She was given a less than 10% chance of surviving the night. Well she did survive, she was denied a liver because of her drug abuse however her own liver started to repair itself after they used both liver and kidney dialysis to save her organs.
She left the hospital about 3 weeks ago but was on kidney dialysis 3 times per week for 4 hours each time. Think about all the trips to the er and the cost of a SICU for 14 weeks! Multiple surgeries because the problem cause fluid to build around her heart. If you could have seen what this looked like you would be shocked that she is alive.
and guess what? Her husband and her have been getting about 2K per week since she has been out of the hospital. When I talk with her she is stoned so she is already back to abusing the system. She was hospitalized once in the last 3 weeks for ketoacidosis. She has done so many drugs that she became a type 1 diabetic about 3 years ago. She literally screwed up her pancreas to that point.
So.....I dont get why these drug abusers are not dealt with and dropped from the system? My SIL has been on disability for years and so has her husband.
Anyway......this is more common than we think and this episode frustrated me beyond belief. The DAD is NOT helping and he is going to go broke doing what he is doing. It is a shame that he worked his whole life only to have to financially support both GROWN sons. He needs to go to a counselor so he can learn to say NO.
This whole season has been one of the most frustrating of all. I love watching this show, and I love to see the success stories. I find them to be very inspiring.
But this season has been a turdstorm filled with turdbirds. But to give Justin the little credit he deserved, at least he did lose some weight on his own at the end. I honestly hope that he is able to keep it up and get the mental help he so desperately needs.
As bad as Justin was, I was even more frustrated by the guy (James?) who's sole accomplishment after a full year was to sit up. At least Justin lost something.
It feels like with this season, TLC and the production company intentionally chose people that would get people talking, and not necessarily succeed. I hope they choose better candidates next season.
150 lost and maintaining!