need advice please...
Hi everyone, I am an asian male 55 years old. My weight is 252 pounds. I had GERD for long time and recently I have been diagonized with Barrett's Esophagus. My doctor said it leads to cancer and he is advising me that I should have gastric bypass, in order to lose my weight. I don't want to do this surgery, firstly because of my age and also I heard there are a lot of complications that might come up after my surgery.
I just need your advice.. also I need to know when can I go back to work (if I really have to do this surgery ) My work involves a lot of physical activity like carrying heavy stuffs. Thank you.
on 3/26/17 8:57 am
Welcome! There can be complications with any surgery, but the chances are low these days with weight loss surgery. What complications do you fear? Maybe we can put your fears to rest. No matter what though, the choice to have surgery should be yours and not anyone else's including your doctor's. You are the one who needs to live with it and be compliant. It can change your life for the better if you are open to it.
Carrying heavy things is generally off limits for about 6 weeks, but your doctor would be able to tell you what he advises.
The surgery is laparoscopic so generally within a week many people return to work. I'm sure it would be longer for you due to your physical job. Your doctor would have to give you a time frame for returning to work. Your age presents no problem ... I had my surgery at 63 and had no issues.
There can be post-op complications with any surgery. Some people have difficulty getting liquids down and become dehydrated. I would recommend you read the information under the "Resources" tab at the top of the page, and read the 'general surgery', 'RNY" and 'sleeve' forums to get an idea of pre-op and post-op life. You can use the search feature (the magnifying glass at the top of the page) to search specific terms such as 'Geri'.
Also, go to an Orientation Meeting at the hospital. Generally they are run by a barbaric surgeon who will answer questions during and after the presentation.
Best of luck to you.
To be honest, I'd rather the low risk of rny complications, than cancer, or other risks associated with GERD and obesity.
I asked my surgeon to compare the statistics, and weight loss surgery has lower complication rates than many other obesity related conditions, like joint replacement, heart surgery, diabetes.
I'm not trying to downplay surgery, it is a major surgery, but most people heal fine, and many complications that do arise, are manageable. And having surgery doesn't mean I won't get cancer, or have a stroke, etc. but being healthier and smaller will improve my quality of care if something happens, and improve my chances at making a full recovery and overall quality of life as I age.
I can only speak for myself, and I'm only 6 months post op, but I can say I'd have this surgery every month if it meant I could feel as good as I do now.

RNY Sept 8, 2016
M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7
I had the sleeve in 2011.I had revision to bypass in 2016,due to severe acid reflux. Best advice don't be afraid of the surgery.Got rid of all my reflux and have not had any complications. Follow Drs diet plan and take your vitamin and supplements.If you don't do something you could end up having to have a feeding tube if you get cancer and never be able to eat again..Hope this helps you.