Really, really nervous....
Hi Everyone....I am finally at goal weight and we are starting the final steps to get me a date.
What makes me nervous...oh many things. To start with my Brother John (also a member of had surgery in 2005, we lost him 2 days later...a heart attack at 44. I KNOW this is safe surgery...I KNOW John believed in this with all his heart....I was to be his caregiver, so I ALSO know it is a great tool. But....I keep seeing Johnny fighting for his life.
Any sharing would be most appreciative....I am in good shape, I swim every day... But John warned me the night before surgery that I needed to fight my weight issue...and yet here I am.
Thanks so much.
There are lots of people here who are in good health and going along well. Most don't post 'Day 1281. All is well', so sometimes it can seem there are more post-op problems than there really are.
I knew that continuing on at 300+pounds was a greater health risk than undergoing surgery. Being super morbidly obese had already netted me a variety of health issues, and those were only going to increase, whereas surgery itself gave me a chance to recover my health.
Any surgery at all has risks. It sounds as if you are realistic about surgery and working hard to be successful. Good luck to you and stick around.
I fight badgers with spoons.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255
Hey there! I'm so sorry for the loss you've endured. It sounds like if your brother were alive, he would be cheering you on.
This is a scary and crazy journey with many ups and downs. As others have said, it's a greater risk to keep going on "living" with morbid obesity. For me, I was a normal level of anxious up until the day of surgery. Then, as I was wheeled into the OR (gradually falling asleep) I cried because I was scared. Coming up on a year later, my only regret is that I wasn't able to have this procedure sooner.
Don't let fear hold you back. You deserve this chance and I bet you've been working hard to get down to goal weight. You have support here, don't be shy about using it!
I wish you all the best on your journey! Please check in often!

High Weight: 307 Start Weight: 297 (11/5/15) Surgery Weight: 278 (4/20/16) Pre-Op: (-19) M1: (-24) M2: (-8) M3: (-10) M4: (-9) M5: (-7) M6: (-6) M7: (-7) M8: (-5) M9: (-4) M10: (-3) M11: (-5) CW: 185
"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."
I am really, really sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. But please know that death from weight loss surgery is extremely rare. 0.3% chance with RNY - even lower with VSG, as I recall. It's one of the safest surgeries out there. People have also died from tonsillectomies - but those cases are extremely rare as well. I'm sure you'll pull through just fine, just like millions of others. Although again, I'm so sorry about your brother. That is really tragic.
The wl surgery was successful...he passed from the heart attack that the extra weight had put on his body. It is just so hard to get over that hurdle...even knowing it will be ok- thank you so much for sharing...
This type of surgery is relatively safe, with a low complication rate. That goes across the board (DS, VSG, RNY). If you are "worried" about complications-then you should take more time to make a decision. I'm not in the habit of encouraging people in the fence to have surgery if they are not ready.
I think for most of us (I speak only for myself...but I've seen this sentiment expressed many times over the years)....that WLS is the ABSOLUTE last resort.
I was a "healthy" 500 lb man. I didn't have high blood pressure, I didn't have heart issues, I had good cholesterol levels, etc.....but I knew that a 500 lb man could not be "healthy" forever. I had lost mobility and was losing mobility even more quickly than I was ready to admit. By the time I had surgery, I literally had difficulty walking 10 ft. I feel that I avoided diabetes, heart issues, additional mobility issues (like blowing out my knees), etc.
So if it's not your "last resort"and you have other options-you shoudl pursue them. I am so glad I took the plunge and had surgery, but that is me!
on 3/24/17 5:44 pm
I can tell you already know that surgery is the right choice for you and your health --
Love to you. It is scary -- I was absolutely terrified the night before surgery. It takes a lot of courage to do this -- it's definitely not the "easy way out" -- but it is definitely a way to beat this terrible disease. Next to having my son, WLS was the best decision I've ever made. I am far more likely to see his children now.
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother from the terrible disease of obesity. It sounds as though he must have been a wonderful brother, and I can only imagine the pain of losing him.
May you find peace and calm in the night ahead of you.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
I'm so sorry about your brother. It sounds like you're able to separate his death from his WLS which is good because he'd likely have had the heart attack regardless.
It is a scary thing to undergo a (somewhat) elective surgery of this magnitude. I was fine with it pre-op. Until I wasn't. I remember coming here and posting about being afraid - I had magnified my fears considerably by reading the "Failed Weight Loss", "Revisions" and "Complications" forums. Vets here at that time kindly advised me to stay out of those areas until I was safely post op and surprise! - it helped, lol.
When we are confronted with our own mortality very few of us get away without a few minutes of soul searching. For me, this surgery was my last shot at returning to a normal weight and possibly living to see grandkids. There is not a doubt in my mind I'd be long gone by now without this lifesaving operation for a number of reasons. Haven't regretted it for a minute.
IF you're still not quite sure or if you're scared out of all proportion to the risks you always have the option of postponing. Maybe it's not quite the time yet? I mean, it would be unusual not to have any fear, but if your fear is making it hard to function or think of other things (like life after weight loss) you may just want to wait a bit. Only you can know that though of course.
Best of luck to you either way. I think you'll do just fine and personally I worry more about those who don't seem to respect the risks at all.