How long do you let it go?

on 3/21/17 3:05 pm - WI

I had my gallbladder out in 2004. I had surgery in the morning and was home by 2:00 the same day. It was 3 days before my daughter's high school graduation party. I cleaned, cooked, hosted the party, and the day after the party we left for a month long trip to the Boston area. Getting your gall bladder out is really pretty easy. I just had to have help lifting things for a little while (per surgeon's instructions) . I felt 100% better immediately after surgery than I did for months before. Gallbladder attacks are terrible. You will have relief as soon as you leave the ER.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 3/21/17 8:43 pm, edited 3/21/17 1:49 pm
RNY on 12/29/14

Hi! I have no advice on your gall bladder. I wish I could speak peace to your heart. Time will move forward, and everything will work out.

But I can offer some practical thoughts on Achilles' tendon surgery and what you can expect, and what the family is capable of. Cuz here I am sitting in my boot cast, my foot elevated, my incision not yet healed, but a smile on my face, and my family doing ok, in spite of plenty of extra clutter.

Since my surgery, we have had a lot going on. My husband even travelled out of state for 5 days and also had a stomach scope and has been really sick for a full week. Kids have had gobs of extracurricular stuff, end of term projects, and doctor appts. It works out.

If your husband's experience is anything like mine, the first couple of weeks are really rough. Part of that is the pain, part the spaciness from pain meds, and part the lack of mobility. But gradually, little by little, he will be able to do stuff. He will probably WANT to do stuff to help out. He may not be able to do much, especially at first, and can't drive, but he will figure out what he can do, and it will be more and more each week.

Biggest thing: do you have a knee scooter for your husband? Insurance often covers this. If not, you should still rent one, IMO. This is the most important thing that has helped me. My scooter makes it possible for me to do stuff hands free. I rented from a med supply place for $10/week. Worth every penny. I also bought a bike basket on Amazon for $17 and hooked it to the scooter, so I can carry stuff around. I can do lots at home with my trusty knee scooter!

Next, let stuff go. Clutter is ok. Not making the bed is ok. Paper plates are ok. Frozen entrees are ok. What is essential? Do that only.

Next, beg people for help! Neighbors, friends, family. People like to help! Can anyone make you a meal? Can someone pick up groceries for you? Is there a another parent who can take your little boy to daycare every day? Anything someone can do to help you, leaves you able to do the stuff that only you can do. If people offer to help, say yes right away!

Next, ask the 17-yr-old to do things. He can drive. He can run errands. He can cook and clean up. He can sort, run through, and fold laundry. He can give the little brother a bath and read him stories and put him to bed. Even if he does not do it all (that would be a lot), every thing he does helps. This can free you to do other evening stuff.

Next, look into grocery ordering services, where you can buy stuff at a local store through an online shopping service. Then someone just has to go pick up and pay.

Buy stuff online.

Put stuff off.

See if you could hire someone to come vacuum and do bathrooms once a week. Pay your son? Pay another teen? Hire a service?

if your teen is busy with school and extra curricular stuff, see about a younger neighbor teen, like 11-14 yrs old, who could come over and play with your little son. Pay that teen. Fun for both of them! A break for you.

Very soon, your husband can make calls and do things on the internet. Not long and he can sit to fold laundry. Etc. Honest, this has been a difficult recovery, and I am limited, but I am also trying to do stuff, and I really am contributing. Your husband will want to contribute too.


April Parker
on 3/21/17 8:43 pm - Gaffney, SC
RNY on 06/20/16

I had mine out at 15 weeks pregnant. But I was having major attacks every day or every other day. I couldn't keep anything down but some green beans, once, for the entire week before surgery. It was a risk I had to take.

HW- 283    SW- 264     GW- 130

on 3/22/17 6:52 am
RNY on 08/04/15

I was 7 weeks pregnant and they won't do the surgery in the 1st trimester. I was in the hospital for 3 days on IV antibiotics until the pain went away. If I had been in my 2nd trimester, they would have taken it out and I would have been happy for it. It never bothered me for the rest of the pregnancy, so no need to take the risk.

Age: 44 | Height: 5' 3" | Starting January 2015: 291 | RNY 8/4/15 with Dr. Arthur Carlin| Goal: 150

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. ~Proverbs 19:20

Beam me up Scottie
on 3/21/17 10:00 pm
Gall bladder surgery is MUCH easier than Pancreatitis! If it needs to come out, it needs to come out.


FYI for anyone else reading this, most surgeons recommend that you get your gall bladder out at WLS-it seems to be a wise decision.
on 3/22/17 8:07 am, edited 3/22/17 1:39 am

My surgeon doesn't recommend it. I asked him if he takes the gallbladder too and he said if you aren't having problems he won't as doing so can bring it's own set of issues.

on 3/21/17 10:44 pm
RNY on 08/04/15

Deanna, great advice above about everyone helping. Whenever my husband had surgery, knee replacements, shoulder surgery and feet surgeries, he was out of it on pain meds for 2 weeks. Then, he was in physical therapy and able to do most things. We have a walker with a basket and a knee roller if you want to borrow them. I think you are worried, but you are strong. You carry most of the weight of your family becasue of your husband's travels. Buy a couple of Costco roisiterre chickens and order some pizzas. I just eat the toppings. In two weeks, your husband will be home and cooking and cleaning. I was in a cast for over a year. Once the major pain is gone, you can do anything in a cast except swim. You might want to buy/rent a shower chair. My hubby still uses his.

Age 61 5'4" Consult-6/2/15: 238 SW-8/4/15: 210 CW:145 (6/30/18) M1-16#, M2-17#, M3-14#, M4-10#, M5-6#, M6-5#, M7-1#, M8 -3# Range 133-138 DexaScan 4/16/17 19% body fat---- 2016 wt avg 142-146, 2017, wt. avg 132-136, 2018 avg weight 144-146 bounce back is real.

on 3/22/17 3:05 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

I had mine out pre-WLS, but I am in the- I got the bonus of pancreatitis with it.... that is far worse as far as down time, a week in hospital on IV before they even touched the GB.... So if it seems to keep showing up, better to have it checked out.

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 3/22/17 3:11 pm
RNY on 12/23/14

I think you need to get it out before it gets worse. In my preop ultrasound it showed I had stones, then they did an MRI and that showed a stretched opening, then a narrowing- a major attack just waiting to happen. I INSISTED they take it out during my RNY. I have heard of more than one person who had been in major pain, and they had to wait on the surgeon's schedule, etc. to get the surgery. This meant that they were in constant acute pain, on heavy pain meds till it happened (and not able to work, mind you). In my opinion, that would leave you even more incapacitated than if you just scheduled the surgery before things reached that point. You may be out for a few days, but it's better than one to two weeks...It sounds like they already know it will need to come eventually.

Just my two cents. Prayers for you, Deanna. I know you are struggling right now.


RNY on December 23, 2014 with Dr. Michael Greene

Start Weight- 225 Surgery Weight- 218 2 wk- 208 6 wk- 198 10 wk- 181 14wk-179 18 wk-172 21 wk- 168 25 wk- 162. 29 wk- 158. Mo 8 - 155

Mo 9- 150 Mo 10-148. Mo 12-145  CW 140

on 3/22/17 4:02 pm
RNY on 06/21/17


Banded: 9/14/06

Band Removal: 3/15/17

Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!

I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics

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