HELP!!!! small bowel resection HELP!!!!!

on 3/20/17 7:49 pm - Glendale, CA

Hi everyone out here in OH land...i need help.I had RNY in 2005..I lost about 70 lbs and the rest i lost by working out...but in 2013 i almost died to having a blood clot in my small intestine...the Dr's removed 85%of my small intestine and part of my colon...They also revised my stomach to its normal size...I'm off of the feeding tube and i'm having issues retaining nutrients...i'm not absorbing them but i'm also gaining weight...I just had back surgery due to sciatica but now i'm back at the gym and trying to eat right...but i'm having a hard time...I was hoping someone can tell me if i'm able to have gastric bypass again??? Please Help! Thank you all....Its been a long time since i've been on this site..God Bless you all xoxoxoxoxo

on 3/20/17 10:01 pm - CA

Not being doctors/surgeons ourselves it's hard to speak with much authority on subjects such as this, but I would expect that much would depend upon on where and how the resection was done and what parts are left. Another re-bypass may be possible but may not be desirable if you are already having absorption issues, and perhaps a sleeve gastrectomy would be in order to provide restriction while minimizing malabsorption. This may also be a situation where a lapband might actually be appropriate.

When dealing with odd situations and configurations such as you have, second and third opinions are appropriate as you aren't dealing with a normal "cookie cutter" case and different perspectives can be quite valuable. One doc to consult in your area who has considerable experience with complex revisions (which may well be your case with your back and forth stomach) is Ara Keshishian, conveniently right in Glendale.

Good luck in working this out.

1st support group/seminar - 8/03 (has it been that long?)  

Wife's DS - 5/05 w Dr. Robert Rabkin   VSG on 5/9/11 by Dr. John Rabkin


on 3/23/17 11:28 pm - Glendale, CA

Hi and thank you for your reply...Yes Dr Keshishian is in either Glendale or Pasadena, I don't remember where i read up on him. I will call his office and see if i can get a consultation. I thank you for trying to help my friend...Fingers crossed.

on 3/21/17 7:37 am
VSG on 08/01/16

Probably not bypass but maybe something like the sleeve...and that is depending on how much scar tissue you have already. Only a surgeon could tell you the answer to your question.

Sleeved 8/1/16

HW 285 / SW 276 / GW 160



on 3/23/17 11:30 pm - Glendale, CA

Thank you for your response....Yes i think you are right. I will try a few surgeon's and get their opinions.Thanks again.

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