Wednesday's My 600 lb. Life (James' Story)

on 3/17/17 12:57 pm
Revision on 03/14/18

I about lost it when he asked his girlfriend to remove the outer paper from his burger. It's sad that his dad went as far as refinancing his house in order to pay for them to go to Houston and he didn't take it seriously. I'm hopping we get an update and see that he changed things around.

on 3/18/17 1:46 pm
VSG on 10/25/16

Half (if not more) of the parents portrayed in this show should be charged with child abuse/neglect.

The wife was married to another man while she had two babies with James who was quite a bit younger than her...This is the reality of her daughter's life. The poor child was f'ed up from day one.

These shows make a good case for mandatory birth control. But remember that these "reality" shows aren't reality for most of us. Thank God.

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