Purim parties NYC - I'm asked out by a 19 year old

(deactivated member)
on 3/11/17 5:50 pm, edited 3/11/17 8:14 am

Oh boy !! Literally

ive kinda been thru this before ... dated a boyfriend whose mom was four years older than me .. we shared reading interests wallpaper borders garden features it was Eerie!!!

( that bf and I also lived together and made love like minks every day for over three yearz .. it wasn't that bad that he couldn't pump gas or change oil or do do normal guy things .. I liked the "guy things" he did to me ... constantly:)

But ( this one ) he's HOTT!! Like real hot ...

am im kinda ( well ... REALLY.. sex-starved)... and he really likes me ! nothing good is gonna come of this we all know. .. or maybe not

what a very wise woman said a long time ago is what really matters in a relationship is that the man is mad about you . Makes sense to me ..

he also ( besides being incredibly cute and hot ) is very precocious mentally creative and looking for a mentor ... preferably female and hot lol! What's not to love ?

on 3/11/17 8:39 am

By George, I think he's got it! His Mentor!


(for the lyric, not the role reversal)

on 3/11/17 8:42 am

(P.S. because I don't get an 'edit' option)

Purim? NYC? Are you really local? Oy gevalt.

(deactivated member)
on 3/11/17 9:15 am, edited 3/11/17 1:49 am

Yes and happy holidays! We'll be at Ben.s tonite approx 4:30 after the Megillah reading in wood side queens if U'd like to join . . Many "famous " people lol... come to the many fun crazy Purim parities after too :)

on 3/11/17 11:10 am

Thank you for the invite, but I did 2nd Ave. Deli yesterday (it's either brisket or corned beef, sometimes a half with a small matzo ball soup, and we know their idea of "small"). Two days in a row is beyond my tolerance for this food. It's a treat and more a change of pace for me.

Are you dressing for the occasion? Have fun.

CerealKiller Kat71
on 3/11/17 8:46 am
RNY on 12/31/13

My husband and I have been together 20 years. He is ten years younger than I am.

Our relationship isn't solely built on sex, however. It's one built on mutual friendship, compassion, trust, and humor. We always have each others best interest at heart. Our mantra is that we "strive to make this life a wee bit less miserable for each other."

We are best friends.

I truly hope you find what you are looking for.

I hope you can ascertain what that is.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

(deactivated member)
on 3/11/17 9:48 am

It's wonderful to find your soulmate. That's a very important part of what our ancient religion promises.

so glad you found happiness together! ((( Ava))

CerealKiller Kat71
on 3/11/17 2:19 pm
RNY on 12/31/13

I genuinely worry for you, Ava. I see so many good things in you. I really want you to be okay and love yourself.

Please know I mean this sincerely and without even an ounce of snark.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

on 3/12/17 12:27 pm
VSG on 07/28/14
On March 11, 2017 at 5:48 PM Pacific Time, quutgrrl wrote:

It's wonderful to find your soulmate. That's a very important part of what our ancient religion promises.

so glad you found happiness together! ((( Ava))

...It also promises Chinese food and going to the movies on Christmas Day.


on 3/11/17 8:51 am

Follow your heart, or whatever body part that is in control right now.

Have fun! Live life to the fullest!

My husband and I (only 1 year apart) were 'just friends w/benefits' for 9 months before we became a couple. In September, we will officially be together for 5 years, 3 married.

Miss B

Start weight (1-11-17) 281

Surgery weight (5-1-17) 245

Current weight (6-17-17) 218

VSG on 5-1-17
