Choc-o-rite protein bars

on 3/6/17 9:38 am
RNY on 03/23/15

I don't eat protein bars as a rule except for Choc-o-rite protein bars. And only the 100 calorie ones.

Im not a fan of most protein bars because they're so high calorie and I don't like the taste of most and think nutritionally they're not great.

But...they can be handy occasionally so about 6 months ago I loosened up on my protein bar rule and I love the 100 calorie version of this brand. But I can't find them almost anywhere now ! The ones on their website are coated with chocolate and are not the ones I want. The ones on amazon, which is where I got them at first, are getting more and more expensive.

Anyone know where to find these?


HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131

TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds

The Salty Hag
on 3/6/17 9:50 am
RNY on 05/20/13

I haven't bought them in a few months, but I noticed that the last time I was at the nutrition store attached to my surgeon's office, there were way less of that kind than there usually are.

I hate when companies get rid of things that I love! Hope you can find them somewhere.

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

CerealKiller Kat71
on 3/6/17 10:04 am
RNY on 12/31/13

No, I don't! But I blame that Hag with the doe eyes above me ^^ for getting us hooked on these.

She's such a vixen...

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

on 3/6/17 10:19 am
RNY on 03/23/15

Yes! I blame her!!


HW: 377 SW: 362 CW:131

TOTAL LOSS: 249 pounds

The Salty Hag
on 3/6/17 10:35 am, edited 3/6/17 2:36 am
RNY on 05/20/13


I hooked Melinda up with them again. (I hope it worked. ) I should just be a dealer, right?

"Get ur..ah..* sniff * Chocorite bars, riiiight here, my friends."

ETA: Damn little symbols didn't work. Sigh. Those weren't s'posed to be "?" marks. Boo for stupidity.

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

CerealKiller Kat71
on 3/6/17 10:41 am
RNY on 12/31/13

So, you want to be a dealer, eh?? Is the first one free?

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

The Salty Hag
on 3/6/17 1:00 pm
RNY on 05/20/13

For you, and our fellow Chocorite devotees...of course.

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

CJ On Orcas
on 3/6/17 11:55 am
RNY on 09/09/16

Oh, jeez. I needed another thing to need.

CerealKiller Kat71
on 3/6/17 1:03 pm
RNY on 12/31/13

See?? Now she's luring innocent, nice women wearing hats!! :-)

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 3/6/17 12:56 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

I had these b4 but they gave me the runs. sorry tmi. Try the bariatric online store sites. I think 1 is bariatric pantry, there are others I just can't think of the names since I don't order from them anymore, but they should have what you're looking for.

You might want to try health stores like GNC or Vitamin Shop, hell look at sites like Target too, or google the choco rite name & see what pops up. You might get a list of the stores that carry them.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

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