A Brief Statement from The Missing

Pond Jumper
on 3/6/17 12:07 pm - Calgary, Canada
VSG on 07/10/17

As a relative newbie to the forum, and someone who also missed the situation that caused you all to step back, I can honestly say I felt the absence of you all. Also, I would like to point out that I wholeheartedly support you stance you took even if it mean we missed out on some valuable advice. Does your post mean that the vets are back now?

Moderating forums is a tricky business, I'm not agreeing or condoning whatever action was taken as firstly I know nothing about what went on, and secondly I am not involved in any discussions the mods have when dealing with issues that arise, but, I do know that it's a difficult task, and sometimes the people with the power make mistakes.

Lets hope whatever happened, happens less frequently.

Referral to CABSC: Aug 2016 (weight 267.4lbs) Orientation (Online): Sept 2016 Intake Assessment: Oct 2016 Nutritionist: Nov 2016 Psych: Dec 2016 Nutritionist: Jan 2017 Surgery Info Class: Feb 2017 Nurse Practitioner: Feb 2017 Meet the Surgeon: Mar 2017 (weight 225lbs) Surgery Prep Class: April 2017 Nurse Practitioner Check in: May 2017 (weight 221lbs) Endoscope: May17th 2017 Surgery: July 10th 2017

Pre-op: 52lbs; Post-op: M1: 14lbs, M2: 10lbs, M3: 5lbs, M4: 6lbs, M5: 2lbs (stall), M6: 4lbs, M7: 5lbs, M8:6lbs, M9:5lbs, M10:4lbs, M11:4lbs

on 3/6/17 4:42 am - Cobourg, Canada
VSG on 04/12/13

Hey Pond I see you are from Calgary. Is the Alberta government taking a more proactive approach to funding WLS, such as in Ontario?

Pond Jumper
on 3/6/17 12:53 pm - Calgary, Canada
VSG on 07/10/17

Hi Roxy,

I can't speak for comparisons as I don't know much about the Ontario system, but from my own experience in Alberta, and specifically Calgary, I think they are very proactive. I assume a lot depends on your own PCP but in my case as soon as I was able to quality for the program my PCP referred me straight away. Even though I've managed to lose a decent amount before even seeing the surgeon (which is tomorrow, gulp) they are aware this is a cycle, and we've all been through the lose/gain merry-go-round dozens of times.

They seem to realise that there is no shame in this, and by far the majority of us have tried all the diets, and fads and weight loss scams out there with no success. Here they just want to really help before the problems the any worse.

I love my team, and my Nurse (shout out to Kelly RN if anyone knows her) is fabulous, a pleasure to deal with.

Referral to CABSC: Aug 2016 (weight 267.4lbs) Orientation (Online): Sept 2016 Intake Assessment: Oct 2016 Nutritionist: Nov 2016 Psych: Dec 2016 Nutritionist: Jan 2017 Surgery Info Class: Feb 2017 Nurse Practitioner: Feb 2017 Meet the Surgeon: Mar 2017 (weight 225lbs) Surgery Prep Class: April 2017 Nurse Practitioner Check in: May 2017 (weight 221lbs) Endoscope: May17th 2017 Surgery: July 10th 2017

Pre-op: 52lbs; Post-op: M1: 14lbs, M2: 10lbs, M3: 5lbs, M4: 6lbs, M5: 2lbs (stall), M6: 4lbs, M7: 5lbs, M8:6lbs, M9:5lbs, M10:4lbs, M11:4lbs

on 3/6/17 1:03 pm - Cobourg, Canada
VSG on 04/12/13

That is good to hear, and I see by your profile you have been killing the pre WLS phase. Ontario has 5 bariatric centres around the provience and the first centre of Excellence in Canada (Humber).

If you haven't yet, check out the Ontario Forum. It is fairly active & will give you some Canadian content. You are almost on the loosers bench now Pond...fasten your seatbelt

Pond Jumper
on 3/6/17 1:57 pm - Calgary, Canada
VSG on 07/10/17

Thanks Roxy, I will pop over as the Alberta forum is very, very quiet.

Referral to CABSC: Aug 2016 (weight 267.4lbs) Orientation (Online): Sept 2016 Intake Assessment: Oct 2016 Nutritionist: Nov 2016 Psych: Dec 2016 Nutritionist: Jan 2017 Surgery Info Class: Feb 2017 Nurse Practitioner: Feb 2017 Meet the Surgeon: Mar 2017 (weight 225lbs) Surgery Prep Class: April 2017 Nurse Practitioner Check in: May 2017 (weight 221lbs) Endoscope: May17th 2017 Surgery: July 10th 2017

Pre-op: 52lbs; Post-op: M1: 14lbs, M2: 10lbs, M3: 5lbs, M4: 6lbs, M5: 2lbs (stall), M6: 4lbs, M7: 5lbs, M8:6lbs, M9:5lbs, M10:4lbs, M11:4lbs

H.A.L.A B.
on 3/6/17 1:01 pm

I got so much from real vets when I was a newbie. I believe one of them "saved" my sanity if not my life.

I am still learning. From vets - and form new people.

but I often get tired of "you are so mean" or "snarky" comments... when the reality is - I -like most of us - really try to help. Often real help is to tell someone that is not a good idea to "do something".

Or to tell them to do their own research if they need a prof.

Or they get argumentative when real support is offered, but then got upset when some people don't bother to respond to them...crying that they got "ignored"...

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 3/6/17 1:07 pm - CA
VSG on 12/19/13

^^^ What Grim said

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 3/6/17 1:18 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Hey girl! How have you been! Nice to see you again. You know I'm trying to get back to Cali. I wanna do Disneyland again. If anything I'll probably be out there again at the next OH conference.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


on 3/6/17 1:42 pm

I'm aware of the wonderful participation of several of the OP signers and noticed that some of you went MIA while others posted as "deactivated member." I don't know and won't ask the specifics that led to the action, but agree that a site's standards must apply to all or what's the point?

There's a wrinkle, though. When trash-posting followed by back-tracking editing and deletions reached a high [low] point, the owner of another site acted on members' requests to dismantle the options. It became impossible to edit one's messages more than a few hours after posting. The trolls lost the means for their hit-and-retreat tactics, a good thing, I suppose, for those invested in those topics. The problem was that it also became impossible to correct or delete unintentionally inaccurate information, misleading typos and the like in topics that the site ostensibly existed for. What a shame to sacrifice substance at the altar of the blockable and ignorable.

That said, it's good to see you back in the sun.

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 3/6/17 4:11 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

What's messed up is when someone wants to pop shots then hide behind a block.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


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