Photo of the Week....
I used to always eat units... a unit of Girl Scout cookies being a row, or sometimes a box. I avoid the entrance now where the girls sell them.
I was with my sister when she picked up her GS cookies...mostly Thin Mints (fave of course). When we got to her house, my 19 y/o nephew cracked right into a box. I made him give me the box, checked the nutrition and figured 1 cookie was 40 cals, so I ate one. IT WAS HEAVEN!! But I only ate the one. In the old days I never would have had the willpower to do that, but the sleeve has changed me so much!
Also, since I was diabetic before surgery (not anymore so far...last A1C was 5.4!!), when we walked past the little Girl Scouts outside Walmart, I just said, "Sorry, diabetic!" and they smiled in understanding lol Works like a charm!