Old habits creeping up...7 mos post up...getting back on track.

on 3/2/17 8:55 am - Middletown, CT
RNY on 08/02/16 with

Slowly but surely some of my old habits began to creep up on me around the Holidays... First Christmas, then Valentines day... Little by little I started adding sugar back into my diet...Lord knows, I didn't think that would happen to me but it did... I'm just warning you it can happen to anyone... I feel terrible about it and the weight loss come to a complete stop... Between the old habits creeping up and not as active during the winter months... Now, I'm getting back on track and I know that I must exercise and keep away from carbs and sugar...

on 3/2/17 9:33 am - PA
VSG on 06/17/16

Right there with you...ugh, I get it. Having to detox from the carbs all over again and so mad at myself for stupid decisions that completely halted my weight loss. But we will get back on track and start losing again. Back to basics.

High Weight at Consultation December 8, 2015 - 442lbs

VSG Surgery Weight June 17, 2016 - 364lbs

Kristi T.
on 3/2/17 9:56 am - MT
VSG on 02/09/16

I understand, it started happening to me as well. A year later and I have to break the carb habit again, weight has completely stalled out. Yes, it can happen but I know we all can stop it in it's tracks and get back to the basics!

(deactivated member)
on 3/2/17 10:06 am - CA

The first part is recognizing it and the second part it acting on it. Old habits never die and life creeps up and we tend to become slack in something. Especially taking care of ourselves or eating mindfully. I've been there and am dealing with it now. You are only 7 mos post op and you still can make the most of your weight loss between now and the time your honeymoon period ends. I can honestly tell you, that regain further out, is harder to lose and oh so much slower. So, focus on your changes and stick to them. Don't ever give up on tracking, measuring and prepping your foods. It is one of the things that leads to long-term success.

Wishing you the best of luck!


on 3/2/17 5:44 pm
VSG on 10/25/16

I'm only 4 months post surgery and really can't eat more than 3-4 oz at a meal, so haven't had to face this problem yet, but I know four people who have had gastric bypass and only one has kept the weight off for a significant amount of time. And one weighs more now than he did when he had his surgery 8 years ago. I knew going in that getting the sleeve wasn't going to be magic and that I would always have to work at staying slim.

So... I already think about this a lot. I see an eating disorder specialist twice a month and visit the nutritionist, and sometimes the psychologist, at the surgeons office about every six weeks. I also keep a log of food, exercise, vitamins and water. But what I need is a long term strategy.

The crazy thing is that since being on the 4:1 eating plan (100 grams protein / 25 grams carb) my autoimmune disorder has gone into remission. So,in my head, I KNOW that this is how I should be eating forever. But I miss and I am going to WANT what we call "white food", potatoes, rice, noodles...and (most of all) sugar.

At the last visit the nutritionist pointed out that there are really no "BAD" or "GOOD" foods and that it was possible for me to eat any and all foods as long as I only ate three (or four) normal human portion meals a day. She said that as long as I get my protein (currently 60 grams) in I could change my diet when ever I wanted. The choice is providing to be very tempting but also very difficult.

April Parker
on 3/2/17 5:45 pm - Gaffney, SC
RNY on 06/20/16

Me too girl, haven't been doing too well. I seem to go back and forth, but the main thing is that we don't stay down. Good thing is, the more I lose, the more motivated I am to stay on track. I am ELEVEN pounds away from onederland now. I saw that today and cursed myself for eating pizza today.

We must get back up and dust ourselves off. I totally didn't deserve to see 210 on the scale today. I almost don't believe it. But I owe it to myself, and you do too, to keep on keeping on. We can't let one failure set the pace for us, which is what seems to happen to me. It creeps up, then becomes a problem until I stop it.

We got this!

HW- 283    SW- 264     GW- 130

on 3/3/17 6:10 am - Middletown, CT
RNY on 08/02/16 with

I'm literally in tears right now, thank you guys so much for all your encouraging words :)...Trust me when I say, "I really needed some encouragement" and no better place than here, with awesome people going through the same challenges as me...I don't feel so alone now and it makes me want to work even harder now than ever...because I really felt alone in this...people in general, family and friends think that it is easy or the easy way out and we all know that is not the case...People are always asking how much have I lost recently...they just expect it to fall off like it did in the beginning but it's not anymore...I am taking all your awesome advise, I'm getting back on track as we speak...I made an appointment with the nutritionist, I am currently looking for a therapist, I am going to start attending the weekly group meetings again and I started logging my meals again this morning...I have already started exercising and walking again this week and I have cut the carbs too...Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

(deactivated member)
on 3/3/17 9:31 pm

Craving carbs is normal when you choose to eat protein forward .

I recently started to make more proteiny menu choices and noticed I was eating a lot more fat than before .

So it's kind of fat - or carbs .

Personally I can't indulge in both without gaining slowly .

Veggies are a good substitute for the carby stuff !

on 3/5/17 3:01 am
VSG on 07/28/14

Don't beat yourself up over this. You realized what you are doing and are willing to do something about it. Kudos to you.

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