Obese husband

on 3/1/17 9:45 pm

Last day, I was heading to Vancouver International Airport with my fiance. He was sitting next to me on the flight. Only then I realized how fat he was. Although I was warned by my friends about his overweight, I ignored them and told that physical appearance is not that important. But, I am scared right now. When I talked about this to my best friend, she asked me to take him to a weight loss program in Toronto. But, I am confused. How can I approach him? Will he think that I am an overruling partner?

Renee C.
on 3/1/17 10:47 pm - Bellevue, WA
Revision on 02/01/17

Does he have health issues? If you want to approach him about it, may be best from that angle with reassurance that you love him and are worried. I'm assuming your fears have to do with his health and how it will affect both of you long term, more than his looks. And/or his ability or inability to do activities with you?

You can only express your concerns to him and then leave it be. Decisions like dieting or surgery really have to come from the person when they are at a point where they are unhappy with the way things are.

Band removal & RNY Feb 1 2017

on 3/2/17 2:41 pm, edited 3/2/17 6:43 am - Cobourg, Canada
VSG on 04/12/13

Oye...that is a toughie, like the last Renee said, it can be such a difficult topic but I'd bet he may be experiencing health issues and would like to discuss them.

Post this on the men's forum, they may have some terrific advice on how to approach from a dude's perspective.

There is also a WLS spouses forum. You can find all the forums by clicking on the bars to the left of the Obesity Help banner.

Beam me up Scottie
on 3/2/17 8:55 pm
I gained 100s of lbs within 10 years-over 200. SO you may want to have this conversation now rather than later.

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