Does everyone tell their coworkers that you had surgery?

(deactivated member)
on 2/27/17 8:57 am - CA

Not everyone decides to tell people they will be having weight loss surgery.  It is a personal decision and one only you can make.  However,  I did tell my staff and close personal friends because I was going to be out for 8 weeks (Open RNY).    I don't regret telling anyone then and still don't now. However, I will say that given how things have changed since 2001 I probably would not tell people upfront.   Like I said, it is an individual decision and one only you can make.  

Regardless of what you decide to do, just know that you are making a choice to get healthy.   People who have any medical condition have a right to treatment and no one but you and your Physician can decide what is the best treatment.    NO ONE ELSE MATTERS!!!!

Wishing you the best of luck.   Be sure to keep us updated.  


* Nicole *
on 2/27/17 8:58 am

Your health and your choices are none of their buisness. Simple as that.

Tell if you want or maybe if someone asks but ultimately its your choice.

DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.

"An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."

CJ On Orcas
on 2/27/17 9:57 am
RNY on 09/09/16

I am pretty much an open book in my life.  I told everyone who would listen ;).  I work at a school, so obviously did not tell people who I did not regularly talk to, and several of the male teachers were afraid to mention my rapid weight loss... one said he thought I might have had cancer.

I have had nothing but support from everyone I am friendly with here.  The ones I am not friendly with... who cares.  I figure part of my job in life is to expand people's "boxes" anyway ;)


on 2/27/17 10:04 am

I am pre-op VSG.  So far, I've told my immediate supervisor as well as the 2 people who work directly in my department. 

Miss B

Start weight (1-11-17) 281

Surgery weight (5-1-17) 245

Current weight (6-17-17) 218

VSG on 5-1-17

on 2/27/17 11:22 am

Thank you all for your replies.  You're right, it is personal and it is my decision.  Tomorrow I have my psych eval and then I can schedule my surgery.  I'm so excited!

(deactivated member)
on 2/27/17 11:53 am, edited 2/27/17 3:54 am

Congrats ! Finally getting your surgery date is so  thrilling! 

on 2/27/17 4:00 pm
VSG on 11/29/16

Nope, none of their business.

"Friends are like flowers; no matter how well you pick them, they all eventually die."

on 2/27/17 9:26 pm
VSG on 10/25/16

I told my assistant because she kept bringing me coffee drinks and around the holidays added homemade baked goods. 


After I explained she got us a Keurig and stocked up on protein bars and nuts. 


No one else needed to know. Other than my husband I have told two friends, one of them petty much immediately stopped being my friend. I am not being secretive, I'm just a private person.

on 2/28/17 5:52 pm

Thank you for saying this!! I have been struggling with this one, like for real!! I am a preop and am just starting the journey through the many visits to get this started, going for nurse practitioner appointment on March 6, and I am absolutely terrified to death of what other people will think of me having this surgery, it sounds so stupid when I say it out loud like that, because really, who cares?? I want to be healthy and not diet anymore, and it's nobody's business but ours! But I totally feel ya, and I am so glad you asked this question!!!

on 3/1/17 12:01 pm

I think if you're not going to tell anyone, then you don't tell anyone.  Anything.  Nothing.  No "I'm just eating better...tee hee".  Just nothing.


I told everyone when I had my surgery - to a person everyone in my office was incredibly supportive.  I was going through my old surgery files this past weekend, and I found all the cards and florist cards that I received.  It was a real blessing to have that support.



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