How do you find your Zen place?
I know I am old fashioned but for me, I almost always deal by cleaning. I just take out my frustrations on the mop and scrub brush. The house looks great at the end
One night last year, I was very upset and ended up playing Candy Crush for about eight hours.
For the most part, when I have a problem I figure out the worst that can possibly happen, plan how to survive that and then what really happens feels minor. It keeps me from getting too upset. I also think about how much it will matter 100 years from now.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
on 2/23/17 6:22 am - WI
That's what my daughter does. When she was a teenager I always knew when something was bothering her because she would start rearranging and frantically cleaning. When her room was spotless I would come in and we would "talk".
I cross stitch, write, read, color... Back in the day when I did outbound calls for AT&T I had a ton of the Dover coloring books and a giant box of colored pencils and I'd just go to town. Later on at the same job, I picked up cross stitching and continued when I worked tech support for AOL. People always said I sounded so calm as I walked them through solving whatever problem they'd called with.
Here's one of my recent completions. I made this for a coworker *****tired.