Shallow feelings

on 2/16/17 9:25 am
RNY on 02/20/18

In the past, i have reacted very simularly to people ive known who have dropped a lot of wieght. Looking back, I feel awful for acting that way. The reason we dont want to talk about others weight loss success is because it forces us to take a look at ourself and admit that we have a problem. 

Seeing you have so much weight loss probably truly does inspire him to do something about his own health. Im sure that he is happy for your success, though he may not say it.

* Nicole *
on 2/16/17 9:50 am, edited 2/16/17 1:51 am

Ok looking at this from a different angle

It may be possible the hubby didnt say much, because as most all can attest, we usually will respond differently to those we are closest with when comments are said. Good, bad, indifferent. Is it possible that he would rather remain quite about your loss because you may say something "bad" about yourself and not realize it. 

My bf gets quite pissed at me if I make a comment that semi negates what he has said. Eg: Youre sexy. And my response was : Yeah if bloated skin flabs are sexy. Or similar things of that ilk. And yet I have times where I feel great, and dressed cute and would love to hear a comment, but I dont get it. Then get mad cause he said nothing. 

Yet I know it hurts him more if I dont comment on if he dropped a bit of weight or is dressed nice. His ego is just as fragile as mine, but we display it in different ways. Sadly it is me demeaning myself and making him afraid to say anything. (Im actively working on breaking this habit). And then me not saying anything to him at times because I dont want him to say anything like I do.

Damn double edged swords

DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.

"An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."

Beth C.
on 2/20/17 4:57 pm, edited 2/20/17 8:58 am
VSG on 01/19/17

I can relate to so much here. In 2015 I did an online fitness challenge I dropped weight gained muscle and lost 6%Bf over the summer long challenge. At the end I showed hubby my before n after shots so proud of my arms and muscle tone I built. His reply" just imagine how you would of done if you didn't skip the few workouts". Omg I was hurt.. what did I do?? Gave up and ate for the next year and gained 30 pounds.. putting my BMI at a surgery level. 

In this time Hubby had a mini stroke from his BP and we both resolved to get healthier. I started seeing the Bariatric doc, him a cardiologist and neurologist. I am 14 years younger than him and for him his BP and cholesterol is age. I know if I don't fix my weight I'll be worse off then he was at the stroke. He's dropped 12 pounds and I cheer him on and tell him he sucks all in the same sentence lol..


Saturday I did my one month photos for my wall here and showed him.. so proud of my progress. He looked and seemed disinterested. I walked away trying to not be mad but I don't hold in my emotions, I came back out and stated" I will no longer share my results as obviously you have more important issues to attend". And stomped away like I was 2.. lol I'm a month out I'm moody. He came to me apologized wanted to see my photos my excel sheet of measurements and then discussed my food plan for the week. 


Moral of of my story. Sometimes our better halfs have great big hearts, but are so stinking clueless unless we have a little bout of emotion to show we are hurt. 


Your 144 pound loss is amazing, and he may not say it out right I bet he is soooo proud of you. 


Starting W-243

Surgery day-227

One Bad Beach
on 2/22/17 11:10 am
RNY on 11/28/16

Peach, I understand....maybe not on the weight loss, but other things.  My DH is a huge compliment fisherman.  He will ask what I think of this or that thing that he has done, built, painted, cleaned, etc.  I try to compliment his as often as possible because it makes him a nicer everyone.

Pre-op, I lost 41 lbs on my own.  He said nothing.  Post-op, I would take pictures of myself at every 10 pounds, but I would never show him because I never heard anything from him.  I don't think that he had completely let WLS sink into his brain yet.  It took him about a month and a half before he told me that he was proud of me.  He even asked me to put him on a healthy eating plan!  Me? Whaaaa?

He's lost about 30 lbs in two months.  I am so proud of him for committing to being healthier.  I was doing my best to compliment him on his losses even though he wasn't complimenting me on over 80 lbs lost at the time.

Recently, we were at his brother's house and BIL didn't recognize me when I was walking up the drive. DH started in on "can you believe it?" "I'm so proud of her." etc.  This same conversation with his best friends....who got caught "checking me out." He's proud of that part, too, now. (and not as pissed....weird, I know)

I've started showing him the every 10 pounds lost pictures so he can see the difference. He's a little more complimentary now.

"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." --Carol Burnett

RNY 11/28/2016

HW 285 - SW 244

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