First Consultation This Week in Flint, MI

on 2/11/17 2:42 pm

Hi Everyone,

I'm new here. I have my first consultation this week with Dr. Kia in Flint, MI. I found the super helpful "Questions to Ask Your Surgeon" page. Are there other things you wish you would have asked at your first consultation?

I am anxious about the whole process, but excited to start the journey to a healthy me. 

Thanks for any advice or words of wisdom!


* Nicole *
on 2/12/17 6:13 am

Welcome from a fellow Michigander! I cant help with what to ask as it relates alot below to the questions below for yourself before seeing a surgeon.

Do you know what procedure you are wanting done?

Have you looked at all your options (not all surgeons do all procedures)?

Look and learn them all, then pick which will be best for you and your lifestyle! Dont just let a surgeon pick for you, as you know you better!

DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.

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