The perversity of food

Beam me up Scottie
on 2/10/17 8:55 pm

on 2/10/17 2:30 pm
VSG on 06/23/16

I learned this from my grandmother. Works every time. Put eggs in pot of water. Bring to boil. Remove from heat and cover. Let cook for 7 minutes. Empty water and run cold over eggs. Then remove eggs and put in another bowl with cold water. Ready to use after 30 minutes or so. Works all the time.

Now I want a deviled egg! Ha.

(deactivated member)
on 2/10/17 2:47 pm
VSG on 10/11/16

Well, now you have your plans for the next little while, right?  

on 2/10/17 2:53 pm
VSG on 06/23/16
On February 10, 2017 at 10:47 PM Pacific Time, LittleBillJr wrote:

Well, now you have your plans for the next little while, right?  

Will have to make some tomorrow as dinner is already planned. If I eat an egg now, won't be able to eat dinner.  It is still a little strange to be able to eat so little. Most of the time I like it! 

on 2/10/17 3:02 pm
VSG on 08/01/16

This works for me every time.

Boil water first then gently place eggs in boiling water. Boil 12-14 mins then run cold water on them. Always peel perfect and bright yellow yolk. 

Sleeved 8/1/16

HW 285 / SW 276 / GW 160



on 2/10/17 5:37 pm
VSG on 05/14/13

This is how I do it!

ISO ... New "clique" members. You must be kind, warm, welcoming, honest, intelligent, and have a sense of humor. The words "shamed" or "victim" can not be in your regular vocabulary. Sarcasm is welcome (and wanted!), but cruelty is not. You must not be a coddler or a shamer. All members are free to classify themselves as vets, newbies, grasshoppers or anything else they desire.

I enjoy long walks on the beach, puppies, sunsets and taking off my bra as I pull in the driveway. If you are like minded, you are in!

And remember, we are ALL worthy of love, humor, and dignity.

I started a new group here for my old BP friends and any new friends who have a sense of humor. Link to join:

on 2/10/17 4:04 pm
RNY on 08/04/15

Old eggs peel better than newer eggs. Something about the oxygen getting between the eggy bits and the membrane.  

I eat a **** ton of eggs.  Usually scrambled, but i often boil a dozen and just leave them in the fridge.  My hubby and kids love to eat them as snacks, and they are always a fast option for me if I'm running like a mad woman, which is my usual state these days.

Age: 44 | Height: 5' 3" | Starting January 2015: 291 | RNY 8/4/15 with Dr. Arthur Carlin| Goal: 150

Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise. ~Proverbs 19:20

on 2/10/17 5:24 pm
VSG on 02/01/17

Baaahaha!  You have a fantastic way with words 


(deactivated member)
on 2/11/17 5:36 am
VSG on 10/11/16

Thank you. Writing and storytelling is something of a hobby for me. And ever since I was a kid, I was the class clown. 

on 2/10/17 5:47 pm
VSG on 01/05/17

Oh Little Bill - you are hilarious!   The sad part is that it is not perverse! Murphy's law happens a lot - so does scheming lol.

I have a great little trick for you since I've been boiling eggs for years. Take the eggs and put one in each cup of a muffin tin.  Only have to put in as much as you want. Put in oven at 325 degrees for 30 mins. Take out and put in cold or iced water. Eggs are perfectly cooked and not bad to peel.

Enjoy your egg salad & your deviled eggs lol!


Height 5'4 Starting weight: 225 Surgery weight: 216 Goal Weight: 135 Surgery date: 1/23/17 Portsmouth, NH

The little engine that could.....

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