Binge Eating

on 2/11/17 12:20 pm
VSG on 02/01/17


What great advice you've gotten here.  I will comment on this by stating that I am a clinical  psychologist, and I always struggle with these sort of posts as I can't shake the "shrink" in my replies. I offer advice and support as a fellow WLS individual with no doubt a bit of my profession coming through.   Sigh, sometimes it's hard to separate all of that as our work is often a huge part of who we are. 

I think that others have pointed out that binge eating disorder is a newer diagnosis is important. It's a new way of thinking about binging without purging.  The biggest thing that I'm reading is that a conversation had been started by your caregivers that has really gotten you thinking.  You are ready to explore this possibility and are keeping an open mind.  Yea for you! That in itself is a victory. Maybe you do binge, maybe you don't.  At least now it's part of a conversation and another way to examine your relationship with food. You already know somethings not right if you are obese enough for this surgery. Now, you are being given a chance to honestly examine your eating behaviors so that you can start a newer way of eating that is driven by more mental awareness.

We've all been there.  Surgery won't work long term if you don't really dig into your "head" issues with food. Congrats on starting the process and being honest with yourself and your providers.

Warm regards,


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