Praying I will find a way to get WLS!

on 2/4/17 11:06 pm
RNY on 01/23/19
On February 3, 2017 at 1:15 PM Pacific Time, LittleBillJr wrote:

I would like to offer you some encouragement here, although I don't have much in the way of helping you with surgery. As has been mentioned, surgery is a tool. Right now you are in a spot where you don't know if that tool will be available to you. While it is well and good to continue to try and acquire that tool, consider the following.

You already have some other tools available to you, and you can start using them right away. Indeed, for the tool of surgery to be successful for you, you need to become proficient in the use of these other tools. Editorial note: I teach people how to use woodworking tools for my living. Start with the tools you have. Learn to use them to the best of your ability. Then, you will see success. Then you will be prepared if and when surgery becomes available. 

So what tools do you have, and how do you use them? First, you have this board here, a collection of people who are at various stages of their own weight loss. Use this resource for advice, support, direction, etc. 

Second, you have access to a calorie counter. Use it. You mentioned that you would eat healthy for a week or so, and then revert. Revert back. Everyone slips up. Everyone fails at some point. It is not that a person fails. It is how they react to that failure. So when you fail, acknowledge it, and put it behind you. Start fresh again the next day. Learning to use any tool well takes time. No one just picks up a brand new tool and starts using it like a pro right off the bat. I know that from over 20 years of teaching, and even more years of making my own mistakes. Don't drop down to a privation level right off the bat.  Eat a little less. Change the type of food you eat gradually.  Give your body time to adjust to the changes.  You may be surprised at how well you do.

Third, you have access to exercise. You don't have to join a gym or spend lots of money. Get up. Move around. Go for a walk. Clean the house. All these are free, and you can increase the amount of what you do slowly instead of trying to prep for the Olympics by next week (that is often our mindset, isn't it?).

All these things have to happen before surgery anyway, if you want it to be successful. So start working to that goal. And if for some reason surgery continues to evade you, you still will have made positive choices and efforts that will improve your life. Good luck with it, and check back here often for help and support. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I appreciate your post and you are right.  Even though I may not be able to get the surgery as soon as I may like, there are little things I can start today that can help get me on my way to losing weight.  Wonderful advice!

(deactivated member)
on 2/3/17 8:15 am - CA

You have gotten some really great suggestions on this thread.   I wanted to say that there are some surgeons in Mexico who have financing available as well as a few places that offer financing for medical procedures if you qualify.   

There are a lot of people who come to OH who are trying to get surgery that stick around and interact and get support from others here.  It has helped some to lose some of their weight, as they wait out the insurance approval process or the ability to find a surgeon or financing.   You can make a difference now, by researching the site and see what others have done, during their time before WLS.   Support of any kind is helpful and you are welcome to stick around and let us support you through your journey, no matter how long it may be.   

Don't look at this like you will never have surgery, but look at this as a time to start adapting to the lifestyle changes you MUST make when you do have surgery.  If you do that now, you will breeze through post-op phases effortlessly. 


on 2/4/17 11:15 pm
RNY on 01/23/19
On February 3, 2017 at 4:15 PM Pacific Time, Nik_H wrote:

You have gotten some really great suggestions on this thread.   I wanted to say that there are some surgeons in Mexico who have financing available as well as a few places that offer financing for medical procedures if you qualify.   

There are a lot of people who come to OH who are trying to get surgery that stick around and interact and get support from others here.  It has helped some to lose some of their weight, as they wait out the insurance approval process or the ability to find a surgeon or financing.   You can make a difference now, by researching the site and see what others have done, during their time before WLS.   Support of any kind is helpful and you are welcome to stick around and let us support you through your journey, no matter how long it may be.   

Don't look at this like you will never have surgery, but look at this as a time to start adapting to the lifestyle changes you MUST make when you do have surgery.  If you do that now, you will breeze through post-op phases effortlessly. 


Thank you!  I am actually going to look into the possibility of having the surgery in Mexico.  It's not my first option, but it is an option and I shouldn't rule out any options at this point.  And I definitely will be sticking around this place.  I'd be a fool not to with all the awesome encouragement here from people who understand what I'm going through. Glad I found this place!

Donna L.
on 2/3/17 10:57 am - Chicago, IL
Revision on 02/19/18

When I weighed 750+ the journey started with a few steps, then more steps, then a low carb diet.  Before surgery I finally weighed 440.

If you cannot get surgery right now don't get discouraged.  One, it doesn't mean that you can never get surgery!  It just means that, right now, you cannot.  There are other things to do.

If your insurance covers behavioral health benefits and/or you have an EAP, I would suggest start working on the hardest part of losing weight - the behavior.  Surgery will not fix your eating habits or why you eat.  Surgery will not make you able to stick to a diet.  Believe me, after a while it's much easier not to.

If you don't try to dress up or care about your appearance, something else may be at work.  I weigh 290 now and I may not be a rock star or gorgeous, however I still take pride in my appearance.  I still have confidence now.  I did not always have this, and often I looked far, far worse than you do, I assure you!  I looked like a sack of ugly fat in a giant cloth bag wearing clothes, basically.  I have been where you are, and to worse places than you are.

Because of this, to me what you are describing is a sign you need more support than you are getting regardless of whether you are able to get surgery or not.  I would encourage you to reach out and find it, because you are absolutely worth it!

I follow a ketogenic diet post-op. I also have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Feel free to ask me about either!

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much...the life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully. -- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

on 2/4/17 11:20 pm
RNY on 01/23/19
On February 3, 2017 at 6:57 PM Pacific Time, Donna L. wrote:

When I weighed 750+ the journey started with a few steps, then more steps, then a low carb diet.  Before surgery I finally weighed 440.

If you cannot get surgery right now don't get discouraged.  One, it doesn't mean that you can never get surgery!  It just means that, right now, you cannot.  There are other things to do.

If your insurance covers behavioral health benefits and/or you have an EAP, I would suggest start working on the hardest part of losing weight - the behavior.  Surgery will not fix your eating habits or why you eat.  Surgery will not make you able to stick to a diet.  Believe me, after a while it's much easier not to.

If you don't try to dress up or care about your appearance, something else may be at work.  I weigh 290 now and I may not be a rock star or gorgeous, however I still take pride in my appearance.  I still have confidence now.  I did not always have this, and often I looked far, far worse than you do, I assure you!  I looked like a sack of ugly fat in a giant cloth bag wearing clothes, basically.  I have been where you are, and to worse places than you are.

Because of this, to me what you are describing is a sign you need more support than you are getting regardless of whether you are able to get surgery or not.  I would encourage you to reach out and find it, because you are absolutely worth it!

You are awesome!!  Thank you so much for sharing your journey!  Gives me hope.  You should be so proud of yourself for how far you've come.  Truly an inspiration!  

on 2/3/17 11:36 am
RNY on 01/23/19

Wow, you guys have my eyes tearing up right now and I'm at work. Ha!  You all are so so so so awesome and nice!  As soon as I get home from work and have a chance I will read all the great advice thoroughly and provide each of you a proper reply!

on 2/3/17 5:41 pm
VSG on 01/05/17

Hi there:

My best friend has been heavy and has an hour-glass shape since we were in Junior High. No matter what, she would always put on makeup and do her hair. I've always thought she was pretty - no matter what the size.

You can do this. Self-esteem needs to go up.... It's the little things in life that mean the most. Put on some mascara and lipstick. Doll up that hair.

It will be your time eventually....positive thoughts.


Height 5'4 Starting weight: 225 Surgery weight: 216 Goal Weight: 135 Surgery date: 1/23/17 Portsmouth, NH

The little engine that could.....

on 2/4/17 11:23 pm
RNY on 01/23/19
On February 4, 2017 at 1:41 AM Pacific Time, Readyjwc wrote:

Hi there:

My best friend has been heavy and has an hour-glass shape since we were in Junior High. No matter what, she would always put on makeup and do her hair. I've always thought she was pretty - no matter what the size.

You can do this. Self-esteem needs to go up.... It's the little things in life that mean the most. Put on some mascara and lipstick. Doll up that hair.

It will be your time eventually....positive thoughts.


Thank you! I appreciate that.  Yes, I self esteem could use a boost.  Been fighting with it for years.

RNY on 12/22/14

 Some states opted to require insurances to cover WLS if it is medically necessary.  NJ does.  PA does not (some plans cover it in PA, but it is optional).  If you are able to move for another job, this may be a consideration.  (What state do you live in, by the way.)

Eggface posted the link to the state by state coverage requirements.  Contact her if interested.  


on 2/4/17 11:25 pm
RNY on 01/23/19
On February 4, 2017 at 1:54 AM Pacific Time, Sharon0055 wrote:

 Some states opted to require insurances to cover WLS if it is medically necessary.  NJ does.  PA does not (some plans cover it in PA, but it is optional).  If you are able to move for another job, this may be a consideration.  (What state do you live in, by the way.)

Eggface posted the link to the state by state coverage requirements.  Contact her if interested.  

Interesting....thank you!  I live in South Carolina by the way.

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