How many stalls have you had?

on 1/25/17 7:17 am
VSG on 08/04/16

I hope I can go back to losing 1-2 pounds per week. That would be so nice. I talked to my surgeon about it, and he said to try Benefiber. Well, I have, but it's not doing much. Maybe I do need a probiotic. I just found myself a really great primary doctor, and I'm seeing him tomorrow. I'll try to discuss that with him. Thanks!

(deactivated member)
on 1/25/17 7:19 am
VSG on 10/31/16

I tried Benefiber too and it didn't do anything.  I felt more bloated. Oh good, check with your doctor tomorrow.  

on 1/27/17 5:11 pm
Revision on 10/04/16

I use miralax everyday...lifesaver...truly!

on 2/1/17 2:26 pm

I use benefiber and it helps drink it everyday and it will help. I've noticed if i drink a protein shake and drink a cup of coffee that helps alot.

April Parker
on 1/29/17 6:02 pm - Gaffney, SC
RNY on 06/20/16
On January 24, 2017 at 6:08 PM Pacific Time, Hiraeth wrote:

Lol, sorry.

I was told that if you fluctuate between 1 and 2 pounds for more than a week, it's basically a stall; whether it's big or small. I've only lost 67 pounds in almost 7 months. To me, that's not a lot, considering my age and how others have lost a lot more in a short amount of time. But then again, these people were over 300 pounds. I know everyone is different, and that I shouldn't compare myself to others. I'm always a bit hard on myself.

I've lost a little over 50 lbs in 7 months. 67 lbs since my highest weight in March of last year. (I had surgery in June of last year) To me, its also not a lot compared to people on here. I've had a couple stalls where I stayed the same over 3 weeks, but I always start losing again and I feel that relief kick in. It isn't over yet. Maintenance scares me to death, but we can do it. We have to, to keep the weight off! Even though my weight loss has been slower than I'd like, its still weight lost!

HW- 283    SW- 264     GW- 130

Insert Fitness
on 1/24/17 10:15 am

Agreed. I was going to post and ask what the OP considers a stall. I think my definition is in line with yours. Although I will consider the three week stall a stalll for the sheer shock and horror it produces Hahahah. Maybe we need to find a new vocabulary for these things (same with dumping).

The longest I've gone is about two weeks on the same two pounds. Not fun, for sure. My losing has definitely not been linear. And I have no pattern. At.all. 

RNY Sept 8, 2016

M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7


on 1/24/17 10:36 am
VSG on 08/04/16

Haha! Exactly! Literally all my friends doing the WLS journey have the same definitions as me. But we are all leaning! ;)

Speaking of dumping, what is your definition of that? Just curious. :)

Same, I barely have a pattern now, after 4 months post-op. Now it's like I'm "stalling" for 1-2 weeks, then BAM! I've lost 2-3 pounds in 1-2 days. I guess you could say that's a pattern, but a very eccentric one.

Insert Fitness
on 1/24/17 11:29 am

thats the thing, i dont have a clear definition of dumping anymore. Originally, i understood it to be your bodies reaction to too much sugar (in whatever form) reaching your small intestine and your body flooding it with water to flu**** out as quickly as possible, and all the side effects that come with that. But there are some who have that reaction to non sugar foods...I've also seen it described as what happens when solids enter the intestines without having been broken down. Or a lot of people describe it as similar to low blood pressure symptoms, or low blood sugar.... Maybe its all of that but to varied degrees depending on the person?

All i know is, i'd like to avoid it hahha.

The reason a true stall for me is more than three weeks, is that there are too many variables determining my weight on a daily basis. And you need a few weeks to see whats a fluke, and what's a trend. Especially with women. Depending on where I am in my cycle my body either holds onto water more, i'm more prone to constipation, etc. all these things affect the number on the scale.

RNY Sept 8, 2016

M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7


on 1/25/17 6:25 am, edited 1/24/17 10:25 pm
VSG on 08/04/16

Yeah, I always thought dumping is when your body doesn't break down foods to give nutrients. I had a teacher who got the Bypass about 13 years ago, and she almost died because of dumping. She actually went from over 300 pounds, to 87 pounds. It was awful. I couldn't believe someone could lose that much weight so quickly. The hospital became her temporary home. I'm so glad she's better now, because she's such a sweet person. She now weighs anywhere between 130-145 and has been that way for several years. :)

Right now, I'm struggling with hair loss. I shed SO MUCH and my hair is thin. I used to have thick hair, so it's pretty upsetting. But, hopefully, my hair will get back to where it was.

You're right. I guess a true stall is 3 weeks or more. Maybe having a 1-2 week stall is just a way some people lose weight. I'm beginning to see that I lose weight by "stalling" for 1-2 weeks, then I lose like 3 pounds in 2 days. It's crazy. I'm also having bowel movement issues (TMI). I go maybe 1-2 times per week. Ugh...

on 1/27/17 5:08 pm
Revision on 10/04/16

Try rogaine...I'm using it preventatively.

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