Disappointing News for Me :(

on 1/22/17 7:23 am

I am going to start by explaining to you all that I couldn't get into my account this morning from work, so I had to register again (I couldn't get my email to come up on my phone so I couldn't just change my password).  Anyway - I kept the same user name and just added a 2 at the end.

As you probably know I was super excited to be able to finally get a surgery date, but now I have a huge dilemma.

My department is made up of only 4 people, and our department runs 24 hours 7 days a week.  (With the exception of Thanksgiving and Christmas).  After I got my surgery scheduled I realized that two people in my department already want to take time off the week of my surgery.  I knew one of them had scheduled vacation that week ( cruise to the Bahamas), but did not realize the other one also wanted vacation that week. 

There is no way that all three of us can be off at the same time.  I have seniority over the one who wants vacation and since she hasn't turned in her request yet I would technically get the time off before she would.  But that would obviously cause issues between us and I am not sure that it is worth it when I can have my surgery rescheduled.  She wants time off for State Dart Tournament (which I am sure she has already paid entry fees for). 

I guess I am looking for some input on what others would do in this situation.  I have until Monday morning to decide what I am going to do for sure.   I guess I should also preface this by saying that I am someone who always puts everyone ahead of myself. 

Part of me really wants to say "Oh well, she should have planned better and put in for her vacation, not my problem", and part of me thinks that another month / month and a half wont kill me.  When I got my date, they only had Feb 23rd (the date I took) and March 23rd open.  I don't even know if March will still be open.  That means I could be waiting until April.

I am so conflicted.   .


White Dove
on 1/22/17 7:31 am - Warren, OH

Another month or two will not kill you.  This is not a surgery where there is a threat to your life if not done immediately.  I would be gracious and schedule the surgery when it is the best date for everyone.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 1/22/17 7:56 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Wouldn't your time off be considered sick time? If so, it really shouldn't conflict with them, I mean they would have to call somebody in or borrow someone from another department right?

If not, then waiting might be an option if you didn't want problems, just ask yourself if they would do the same for you if positions were reversed. I'd be hesitant to do something for someone else if they were a jerk.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 1/22/17 8:00 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Maybe I'm selfish: I think health (surgery) trumps vacations especially since you chose the date before the other individual asked for vacation time.  It might be time to put yourself first IMO (again, think health).

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 1/22/17 8:12 am
RNY on 05/26/14
On January 22, 2017 at 4:00 PM Pacific Time, LizJustWantsHealth wrote:

Maybe I'm selfish: I think health (surgery) trumps vacations especially since you chose the date before the other individual asked for vacation time.  It might be time to put yourself first IMO (again, think health).

I agree and I would think any entry fees would not be paid before confirming vacation time!

To Thine Own Self Be True!!

on 1/22/17 8:17 am - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

Call me selfish- I'd take the time and not think twice about it. Seniority has its privileges. 

As I always tell people- if you were hit by a bus tomorrow they'd figure out a way for your job to get done. 


5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

on 1/22/17 9:11 am - port charlotte, FL

Call your surgeon, see if he can take you earlier, if not then wait.  I'm a big one in things happen for a reason, do what you can and let the universe do the rest.  Freaking hippys!

on 1/22/17 10:08 am

I am overly nice most of the time, but if neither of you have put in your request yet, then the space is up for grabs. Planning to take vacation is not the same as having the dates secured. 

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 1/22/17 11:49 am - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

Monday, first thing, Call the surgeon and see when the next open date is ---but DO NOT cancel unless it is only a week or two out.  Think about what the delay means for you and weigh your decision very carefully.  Since you haven;t out your vacation request either - at least 2 of you have created a mess and someone will be disappointed or inconvenienced.

Also, if that is the only vacation anyone has coming up and you decide to delay - tell the surgeon that you will be ready at a minutes notice to step into a cancellation slot. 

Something to consider - how healthy are you now - mobility, no-smoking, etc.  If you would in better health for a later surgery, I would delay.  The healthier you go into surgery, the healthier you come out of it.

I don't know if this  helped, but you are in a difficult position.  You will be counting on these people to cover for you in case you have complications and need additional time off, so no need to **** them off now.  Your thought process is considering all the facts and you are in a difficult position, but I trust you will decide wisely.

PS I did not have this trouble, as a teacher with a limited winter recess. I told my surgeon it was either Dec 22, or in June.  He made it happen Dec 22!!  I hope your surgeon is as helpful.



on 1/22/17 1:13 pm

When I got the Feb 23rd date it was the only date left in February and the only one they had in March was March 23rd.  So I would have to wait at very least another month.  I am fairly healthy now, I have already lost over 60 pounds since I saw my surgeon.  I had to wait 6 months for my insurance to cover the surgery.  So I guess in another month I will weigh less.   Still not positive what I am going to do, but leaning towards waiting although I really don't want to. 

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