Hey everyone! LipstickLady here!

on 1/17/17 8:17 pm
RNY on 03/21/16 with

Hey gang, thought I'd pop over to OH.  I have been an occasional lurker to OH since I started this whole process, and have read many of their threads, but never became on official "member".  In the end, I originally chose BP due to the fact that there was an app (this is a biggie as 90% of my interaction with the site was via the app) and there seemed to be a higher volume of new content being posted (at least at the time).


But I'm happy to see a lot of familiar faces - both the BP gang as well as many of the OH gang whose threads I've read over the last year or so.  Onwards and upwards.


--Jester (aka msu_jester)

on 1/18/17 10:16 am
VSG on 08/23/16

Glad you see you've landed.  I was DianainPhilly at BP.  Joined here as well and asked to join your group.  Keep it up - I always enjoyed reading your posts!

on 1/31/17 12:58 pm
Lap Band on 10/12/16

Hello from Treadmillwalker. I'm the rare bird *****cently had lap band surgery, and it is working out well for me. Little Bill Jr. mentioned I would find familiar faces on OH so I decided to come and look around. Does OH have a mobile app? My employer blocks sites such as BP and OH so I'm only able to participate via my cell phone or my personal laptop.

It is nice to see everyone and meet new people. I look forward to reading all the great posts.



on 5/5/17 6:25 pm

Hi all,

I was Oregondaisy over at Alex's joint. I didn't turn on the computer for months because I was in too much pain. I fell in October but I kept thinking whatever I hurt would heal but I finally went to the doctor. When he looked at my catscan, he said I was in critical condition and I could not go home, and had to go straight to the hospital. I was taken by ambulance to Portland which is 4 hours away from where I live. I had surgery and had to spend awhile in a rehab center after I was released from the hospital. I finally turned my laptop on and found out that BP was completely different and none of my friends were there anymore. Can I join this group? Thanks, Oregondaisy or Sassyscorpio (how I am listed here) Pretty please?

band 12-29-06     revision  to sleeve  Alberto Aceves  4-29-09

                                       I love my sleeve!!

                               Lost 107 lbs and maintaining

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