Second post op follow up

on 1/11/17 10:45 am

BP is great. With weight loss I'll be able to d/c BP meds. Anxiety level has dropped to zero. Having issues with high BS after cottage cheeses, kefir, yogurt, and ricotta cheeses. Also called Lifescan (One Touch) and they are sending me a new meter. My insurance sends me generic control solution which Lifescan doesn't approve. My BS is all over the place but not over 160. Before I entered the puréed foods transition it was 95-110. Nurse said  to track it which I'm doing. It does return to normal range at bedtime. As I lose more weight it will drop. NUT said I can stop the dairy if I want but I was concerned about calcium. Vitamins can't be started until six weeks after surgery but I found a liquid calcium by Solgar which is OK to start. 

My insursnce sends me diabetic supplies through the mail for free which saves me a boatload of cash. Lifescan will send me for free control testing solution, one years supply. Nurse reassured me I'll be ok. Before my RNY my BS was sky high and I was eating way too much of all the bad stuff. My A1C day of surgery was 7.1. I've had it as high as 10 and the lowest when I nearly starved myself at 5.4 in 2012. I'm off all diabetic meds which is a miracle. I just hope my body doesn't do a backwards slide into diabetes. 

RNY 12/22/2016. HW 228. SW 224. CW 122

Dr. Aviv Ben-Meir. Lake West Medical Center, Willoughby OH

on 1/11/17 10:54 am
RNY on 08/21/12

Why can't you start vitamins for 6 weeks? Most of us start them the day after surgery.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 1/11/17 11:04 am

The only vitamin I take is a Flintstones complete which I started when I came home from hospital.  Sorry about the confusion. NUT said six weeks for calcium and other vitamins. But since I'm eliminating dairy (except for protein shakes) I can start liquid calcium. I assume every Bariatric center is different. 

RNY 12/22/2016. HW 228. SW 224. CW 122

Dr. Aviv Ben-Meir. Lake West Medical Center, Willoughby OH

on 1/11/17 11:15 am
RNY on 04/07/09 with

did your NUT suggest the flinstones? cause its not all. check out Vitalady for good WLS vitamin information. unfortunately too many NUTS are pretty clueless about our nutritional and vitamin needs. mine was woefully uninformed. 

on 1/11/17 11:52 am

The centers protocol is Flintstones complete. I can always switch down the road. 

RNY 12/22/2016. HW 228. SW 224. CW 122

Dr. Aviv Ben-Meir. Lake West Medical Center, Willoughby OH

on 1/11/17 12:38 pm
RNY on 04/07/09 with

unfortunately plenty of bariatric centers are clueless about nutrition and vitamin supplementation. ditch the flinstones sooner rather than later. we're not children, we're adults with specialized nutritional needs. 

(deactivated member)
on 1/11/17 3:37 pm

Glad your BP is great. If you are on meds for anxiety do not just go off of them on your own. I hate to be a Debbie Downer. My anxiety was not so bad after surgery.

But the anxiety came back for me. 


on 1/11/17 3:55 pm

My anxiety med is PRN. It's Alprazolam .25mg. I like to say I've only had to take one since they were prescribed. I was worried when my BP was very high, most likely from all the pain which seemed to linger. Then the issue of my fluctuating blood sugar. Bye bye most dairy now. Also dealing with all the rejections from my insurance company on legitimate medical claims. They say the tests don't match the diagnosis, ect. Or the wrong codes were used. It's a total pain in the you know what. Thank God the office manager at the center is helping me. I had to go through a stress test and heart cath which were paid, but the reading of the X-Ray seemed to get rejected. Stupid, just stupid. Then a bunch of blood tests were rejected. They all were pre-op to see if I had any deficiencies or illness, so surgery would be safe and proper. They paid one claim but rejected another, and all were coded properly. 

About the vitamins. Right now I'll take the Flintstones  until they run out.  I prefer a chewable or liquid if it isn't very sweet. I have a box from Celebrate, all samples of their products. The liquid calcium from Solgar wasn't that bad. It has magnesium and Vit D.  I need to wait to continue my Vit D 50,000units as my levels were a bit low. 

As I continue to lose weight I'm hoping to be able to stop the BP meds, but time will tell. 

Thanks for letting me vent. I feel better! 

RNY 12/22/2016. HW 228. SW 224. CW 122

Dr. Aviv Ben-Meir. Lake West Medical Center, Willoughby OH

(deactivated member)
on 1/12/17 4:37 am

I take Alprazolam .25mg. also. Just be very careful while taking this. It is very addictive. I am not trying to be mean. But the side effects suck when you come off of them. 


on 1/12/17 5:05 am

Thanks for the heads up. Since I'm still needing to crush up my meds, this really put me in la la land very quickly. It actually put me to sleep very fast. My Jack Russell terrier has the doggie version for thunderstorms and fireworks. 

RNY 12/22/2016. HW 228. SW 224. CW 122

Dr. Aviv Ben-Meir. Lake West Medical Center, Willoughby OH

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