Ugh, not a good day

on 12/21/16 11:56 am
RNY on 03/23/15

Today hasn't been much better at work as we were still processing that payroll - it's done as of now thankfully. But my anxiety over has been all over the place, not sleeping didn't help I"m sure.

Aaaaannnd today was our holiday potluck. Nope, didn't handle that well either. I ate pieces of sweets that over the last 2 years I haven't allowed. GAH...I'm just not happy with myself for letting any of it happen. It's one of those things that as I was doing it I knew I should not be doing it. 

The work thing will pass I'm sure - the person training me is retiring in a few months so it is what it is. My anxiety is also what it is, I've had it for so long that I need to just deal. The dealing with stress with food is not okay though.

on 12/22/16 4:18 am
RNY on 10/26/15

Remember the physical reaction to that one cookie. What I LOVE about dumping (and yes, feeling physically icky and exhausted and headachy or body achy or anything less than superb is dumping in my book). Then, the next time the cookie monster pops up, you can honestly remind yourself that there is a consequence. You can choose the cookie and the consequence, or find another option. I am grateful that I have a horrible reaction to white bread and sugar. It makes it much easier to say "no thank you," when the cookie pushers come around this time of year. I also try hard to reward myself with other things when I'm over stressed. I have been known to order a new bottle of Torani Sugar Free Syrup in some flavor I don't already have, or buy myself some new art supplies. I keep a sketchbook and my fancy drawing pens in my purse (ie, tote bag) and during that break when I might have been eating, I will draw. Going out for a coffee with a friend, I have been known to sketch their plate of goodies and sip my decaf rather than order and eat a goodie myself. See if you can substitute some sort of portable hobby (knitting, crochet, crosswords, needlepoint, etc) that you can pick up for a few minutes and put down at the end of the break.

Cate K

Northern Neck, VA 5'4" 56 years old

Highest weight 245: 7/1/2015, RNY surgery on October 26th. Had multiple complications and follow up surgeries and stayed in hospital for 24 days. Goal weight is 140.

The Salty Hag
on 12/22/16 7:05 am
RNY on 05/20/13

The prospect of a dumping and/or a RH episode definitely keeps me away from sugary foods. I had zero problems saying no to desserts last week when my husband and I were in New Orleans. I even stayed away from Café du Monde; no beignets for this girl. 

Bread was tougher to say no to since I know I'm okay with a small amount as long as it's paired with plenty of protein. ( I allowed myself one or two bites of bread after I ate my allotted amount of good-for-me stuff, then I'd shove the rest in my hubby's direction. )

 I love that you keep a sketchbook and drawing pens in your purse! That's a really great idea. Now if only I could actually draw...haha. ( I do draw a killer stick figure though. ) 

I woke up in between a memory and a dream...

Tom Petty

Beam me up Scottie
on 12/22/16 7:47 am
On the positive side, being able to do payroll is a really good marketable skill! In 2 years you can market yourself as a payroll specialist.

Sorry you had a bad day though.
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