Just had surgery
My surgery was Wednesday and it was a whole lot harder than I expected. I don't think people mention how badly that drain sucks! And mine must have gotten jostled because it was like all the way up against my spine or something. They kept wanting me to walk but that drain was poking something inside of me that was excruciating. I couldn't wait to get it out, but when they took it out, that hurt really badly too.
So today is the 4th day after surgery. I am struggling. Yes, I question myself, if I made the right choice, because I feel like I am starving, smelling the food the rest of my family is eating.
I have lost 17 lbs since I started the pre-op 2 week diet, so that's pretty amazing. But I just can't wait til I can have some actual food again (pureed will be awesome).
I am just feeling pretty bummed out, in general. Don't mean to be a complainer - usually I am very upbeat. The weather was warm when I went to the hospital, and now it's freezing cold. I think I just need some encouragement?

This is probably the worst time in the journey. You're uncomfortable but haven't lost enough weight yet to realize that this was a good choice. I can't say much about the drain as my surgeon doesn't use them but most of us have at least a few days when we wonder what we did. Eventually all this will just be a little bump in the road. I promise it will get better. I don't know about you,but before surgery I had daily knee and back pain,high cholesterol and triglycerides,diabetes and uncontrolled high blood pressure. I weighed 272 pounds. For the last 31/2 years I have weighed 117 pounds and all issues have resolved themselves. I know walk 4 miles a day just for fun,when before surgery I was winded going down my basement steps. Walk as much as you can,keep sipping and check out some before and after pics to help you realize that better times are headed your way along with a new healthy life. Here's my before and after to get you started.
Wow, thank you so much for your sweet encouragement! Your pictures look great! :-)
I think I was kind of upset that my particular surgeon/nutritionist seem much, much stricter than everything i have read about beforehand (liquid diet lasting longer than a week, limiting the protein shake to once a day for about 4 days, then to 2 a day; listing very specifically what you can eat, and it's a lot less than what I've been reading about from all the other places online)... etc.
So if I were to have unsweetened almond milk in my protein shake as opposed to water, that would be cheating. I am on day 6 post op now.
I am feeling better now that I am allowed 2 protein drinks a day. I felt I was literally starving until today!
Thank you so much for sharing your pics also! I know this will pass. Walking, sipping, and having very good books to read will help the time go by faster.

on 12/18/16 5:10 pm
Each day will get better!! I am almost 4 weeks out. Make sure you are sipping your water. It will be worth it!!
Hi ya. I'm two weeks out today. Every day I'm feeling better and better. My surgeon didn't use a drain so unfortunately I can't relate to that but being in a wheelchair transferring was rather painful. I'm up to purée yay and I can relate to the feeling hungry I started to wonder if they had done their surgery at all. I made sure I sipped heaps of water, added yoghurt to milk and spaced my broth out to every 2.5 hrs. Also sugar free jello mixed with 1 tsp of yoghurt was a good filler too. I'm not feeling hungry now so the stomach must of got the message. Hope this helps. Hope you have some good positive people around you, supporting you. Feel free to ask anything they are great on this site. Merry Christmas. Jacquii
on 12/20/16 4:58 am
Know that you are not alone. I didn't have a drain either but I experienced difficulty with anesthesia, nausea, pain, etc. Everybody's experience is different. I too experienced hunger. After 7 weeks, vsg, my hunger is not as prominent but remember everyone is different. Sending well wishes that your pain subsides and that your recovery gets better and better every day. Hugs!!!
I'm almost 5 weeks post surgery and I remember my first 2 weeks being a little hard because some craving kicked in, but within a day or two they disappear and I was able to refocus myself. I took it one day at a time and kept reminding myself why I did it. It does get better. I'm already 30 pounds down since surgery and it feels amazing.